This is a scan and OCR of minutes done in 2019. I have corrected OCR errors, but left original errors intact, if any. Everything inside square brackets, (e.g "[sic]") is added by me. ---------------------------------start-------------------------------- Minn-STF Board of Directors -- minutes -- meeting of 5 March 1988 "Last Slow Dance in the Smoffing Zone" held at the Little Upper Room at Bailey/Bratton home, during the Minn-STE Meeting thereat: Present: Board--Don Bailey, David S. Cargo, Rob Ihinger, Karen Johnson, Geri Fitzgerald Sullivan Officers--David Cummer (President), Joel Halpern (Treasurer), Denny Lien (Recording Secretary) Others--Beth Friedman, Martin Schaefer, and Geof Stone (all from Minicon Exec); Jeanne Mealy and Dave Romm (RUNE); Eric M. Heideman (TotU): Erin McKee The 3 pm meeting was called to order at 3:10 pm, which was pretty early as late starts go, although since we had only one hour to get the meeting done with, this was relatively very late. Attendance of others was seemingly the second-best of the year, suggesting that the Board ought to have final lame-dodo meetings more often to stir up interest. The Agenda was determined to consist of RUNE; Treasurer's Report; Minicon Exec/Minn-STF Board Interfacing; Longo/Nelson Incident Document Status; Thank-Yous; and whatever else was quick. Treasurer's Report (Halpern): We have somewhere between $16,000 and $18,000 combined in our two bank accounts. Worries to the contrary, we are not broke, we do not have a cash flow problem, and we are not spending our substance in riotious living. "Debt, Be Not Proud." RUNE (RUNE eds and others): Report that RUNE eds were displeased with suggestion that we send a sample issue of RUNE to (almost) all Minicon attendees this year are unfounded; position of eds is that they are willing to send RUNE to any group the Board is willing to budget for. The eds have in fact been assuming this will be done, and do not see any great change in planned editorial direction as needed for this issue. There are practical problems of how to organize: We could have all con attendees get if they sign-up (card in a fishbowl?), or all get unless they request _not_ to get (fish in a cardbowl?). How to easily weed out duplication of new names from those who would get anyway? Updating the One Treu [sic] Mailing List in time to mail all copies at once would be brutal: three weeks or less turnaround time. However, it should not be necessary that all be mailed at once. Easier to accept some duplication than to "do bean-counting." Normal issue of recent RUNEs budgeted at $975/issue; first two have been under budget. Hard to predict what this mass-mailed issue will cost. Sullivan eventually moved that we send an issue of RUNE to all Minicon attendees this year plus the usual mailing list; people in former category must respond to get more than one issue. Passed 3-0, with 2 abstentions. ********************************************************************** "Hello. You have just joined the RUNE Book Club. If you do NOT want this month's selection, you must do something unfannish immediately." ********************************************************************** Correction to previous minutes: Post Office problems with PR 2 were fixed (thanks to Po and Mark Mendel) at last minute, so that we were not in fact charged a penalty for the mailing thereof. ---------------------end page one, start page two--------------------- The Last Dangerous Board Visions, page two Mealy informed Board that ex-RUNE editor Lee Pelton wants to host a RUNE party at Minicon and wishes to know if Board is interested in helping fund same. Discussion. Minicon has assisted parties in the past; Board has never done so. "This is not an extraordinary expense" and Board is hence not interested in involving itself; suggestion referred to Minicon authorities. ******************************************************************** Q: "Does your 'yeah" mean 'no"?" A: "Yeah." ******************************************************************** Eric M. "Two Hats" Heideman reports: Minn-STE Lecture Series for next year will hold preliminary organizational meeting at 16 April 88 Minn- STF meeting at Dorn/Hagemann's. (Will also be Minneapa collation.) TALES OF THE UNANTICIPATED #4 is coming along: has 127 fiction submissions to date, plus poetry and art in uncounted abundance. Erin McKee requested funding OK for twelve more two-sided art show panels, total cost circa $175, an extraordinary expense apparently. The Board agreed, 5-0. Minn-STF Board/Minicon Exec Chowder, Marching, & MudWrestling Society: "jurisdictional" question had arisen over funding of TIME GUM poetry anthology some weeks ago. It was mostly felt that the Exec/Board had by now achieved "reasonable consensus" over who spends what, when, and why (the "extraordinary expense" buzzword). It was noted that at least said dispute had broken out over something that all involved thought was a good idea: "Now, if someone had wanted to fund the Contras (or if the Contras wanted to throw a party at Minicon)..." "Our Days in Court": The continuing saga of one fan club's to produce and distribute their official version of a past legal adventure. The questions remaining with version produced: (1) Is this the final, Board-approved version? (2) If not, what changes are needed? (3) How do we want to make it available? Much discussion. Answer to (1) is almost. Answer to (2) is: Date it (5 March 1988); remove the present cover which looks like a mailer and suggests an intended mass distribution; add the names of the present (but not previous) Board. Possible answers to (3) include: a. By word of mouth; b. Bury an obscure notice of availability in Board minutes as printed in RUNE; c. Insert in RUNE a less-obscure notice of availability; d. Option (c), plus announcements in Einblatt and at Minn-STF business meetings; e. Publish in or as supplement to RUNE. Answer to (3) eventually consensed [sic] to be option (d). Lien will write the note for RUNE. Board offered up thanks to Cummer, Heideman, Mealey, and Romm for services well rendered (President, TotU Editor, RUNE co-editors). Discussion followed of how to express Board's thanks to these and other thankable individuals, with a special cake at the upcoming Dessert Party decided upon. (Let them watch other people eat cake?) [parenthetical added in handwriting pre-photocopying] Meeting adjourned not too much later than 4 pm. The outgoing Secretary would say something maudlin here to outgoing Board if it were not that outgoing Board/Secretary are also the incoming same. Over+out Denny Lien / 20 April 88 [signed] ----------------------------------end---------------------------------