Minn-Stf Board Meeting Thursday September 19, 1991 Peter brought up the Beyond the Enchanted Duplicator. . . that he had not used up at Reinconation and what to do with them, also reporting some damaged due to an accident. He was told that they belong to Minicon and he should consult them. Perhaps they can sell them at the sales table. Victor gave a state of the club address (sort of) He is creating a database of Minn-stf houses and stuff. He would like help executing his duties since Kate seems to be less able to help than he had hoped. Help! Help! He would like to have a cabinet meeting of Minn-stf officers but hasn't set this up yet. Pomp and Silliness will be anthologized (is this a new verb?) in Midterms (#1-6) and Finals (#7-12) He has talked to lots of people about what Minn-Stf is, was and should be and he would like to see us try to do more community building. LiBraRy: They found a card catalogue that Denny had typed up (murmurs of approval and appreciation). All the books are out and accessible but there is still a lot of stuff and fanzines that are in the closet for which they would like to have a file cabinet. After discussion, they were authorized to spend up to $100 for the cabinet and supplies and everyone agreed to check out their sources of cheap (but not crummy) file cabinets. RUNE: Two proposals were put on the table : one from Jeanne Mealy, Lee Pelton and Peter Hentges and one from Garth Danielson with Ken Fletcher, Jeff Schalles and Tom Juntenen. The Board "interviewed" each of these proposals and put them through deep scrutiny and promised to let them know of their decision. Minicon 93: The board decided that it needs to decide what to do with Minicon and beyond as far as how the committee will be chosen. Polly (as a concerned citizen) was concerned that we would fall into a de facto bid process if we did not make a real decision. Martin suggested that we do a bid process for 93 and then look at our "experiment" for 92 and 93 and then decide on a more or less permanent process. Polly was concerned about the perception of lack of democracy that some people have about the bid process and she volunteered to solicit comments and publish a one shot zine about this issue. The Board decided to put out a call for bids for Minicon 93 in the October Einblatt. Bids will be due December 1 (or they can be brought to the November meeting) and need to be presented at the December meeting. The Board will have a decision by the end of the January meeting. They will look at the Request for Proposals from last year and tweak it. "Don gets first tweak." ReinConation Report: They had 186 members, which was less than they hoped for, but respectable. The only problem was that $800 worth of Giovanna's jewelry was stolen and the issues of responsibility have not yet been resolved. (in the opinion of some members the primary responsibility was the Radisson's) Nevertheless they made back the seed money and some beyond. For the future we may want to discuss electronic security equipment for our smaller conventions Charles wanted to know did Reinconation count as a Minn-stf meeting for voting purposes. This has never been true for any other Minicon or Fall con, so the decision was that it did not count. Anywhere But Minneapolis: SuperCon: Victor and Charles would like to have a con on Superbowl weekend in Duluth for the sole purpose of getting out of town that weekend. So far their committee consists of Charles: Treasurer pro tem and Major Domo and Victor: Chair Token and Lynn: Registration. The Board authorized $250 for publicity to seed this con. Next meeting is October 17, 7:30 pm at the home of Dean and Laura. Respectfully submitted by Polly Jo Peterson