Minn-Stf Board Meeting 21 November 1991 at the home of Don Bailey and Margo Bratton Persons present: Rob Ihinger, Don Bailey, Martin Schafer, Dean Gahlon, Geri Sullivan, Eric Heideman, Rebecca Chesin, Sue Feltes, Margo Bratton, Victor Raymond, Glenn Tenhoff, Sybil Smith, Joe Agee, Art and Lucia Johnson, Charles Piehl, Polly Peterson. AT&T Dean reports that AT&T will pay us $20 to change our long distance phone to them and Dean would like to do this since he doesn't much like AT&T and we never make long distance calls on the Hotline. He will do this unless he has to also change their personal phone lines, which he does not wish to do. Minutes Polly wanted to know how many copies of board minutes she should print since it is often hard to see them since they don't often get displayed at Minn-Stf and Rune comes out only (we hope!) quarterly or semi-annually. It was decided that 12 copies would cover everyone who needs them and leave a few pass around copies for those who request them. The Camel Rebecca, who has recently gotten the Minn-Stf computer from Scott reports that one of the disk drives does not seem to be functioning. She was advised to consult with Scott as to whether it is still under warranty and in any case it will have to be fixed. She would also like a cart on which to put it, as the camel has taken over her dining room table and she can't eat. The board authorized her to do research and then spend up to $50 on a cart after consulting them. At this point Geri came in and said that she may have a desk which she would be willing to donate ("Do you have the dimensions of the curmudgeon?") and they will consult on the issue. Inventory Rebecca passed around the current inventory as she knows it for the entertainment and edification of all who saw it. ReinCONation Polly apologizes for misspelling it last minutes. Martin reports that the insurance company called and said that they were not liable for the loss at ReinCONation because all proper caution was taken. Martin put them straight on the issue (the Hotel left the door unlocked.) The security people "lost" the report on the incident for over a month which may explain why the insurance company was misinformed. Rob will also bend Jolene's (Minicon's contact at the Rad) ear about it. Even if ReinCONation has to pay the loss, the convention still made a small profit ($200) over the seed money. There is sentiment out there to do another ReinCONation, but Martin has been real busy and has not had time to get out a proposal. He will do so in December or January. Finance Report Don checked with a friend who said that if we asked him at a slow season (like late summer) he would be willing to put in a few hours doing the lowest level of audit at half of his usual fee. This would be $50 per hour and he would not charge us for over 4 hours. Martin's friend would be willing to donate a little time to look at the books and give us advice about what we need to do. Minicon Proposal Some discussion was given to the two proposals for Minicon 28 (1993) which were turned in at the meeting. These are from Eric Heideman, Joe Agee and Rebecca Chesin on the one hand and Margo Bratton, Polly Peterson and Victor Raymond on the other. Don announced that he hoped not to have to vote (ie, only if there was a tie) since Margo is in one of the proposals. Questions were asked and answered by the two committees. The proposals will be studied and the two committees will be back at the December 12th meeting to answer more questions. Geri complained that these were two workable bids and that they need one really awful one to be able to reject outright. Charles said that he would see what he could do . . . Treasury Carol would like to rationalize all of the checking accounts that Minn-Stf has/had so that we know where they all are. Rune Garth is editing the mailing list. . . (I think this means that progress is being made.) The meeting ended at 9:25. Next meeting: Thursday December 12, 1991 Main Agenda Item: Minicon 93 Proposals.