Minn-StF Board Meeting 26 October 1992 Persons present: Dean Gahlon, Laura Krentz, Jonathan Adams, David S Cargo, Martin Schafer, Kay Drache, Polly Peterson The Creepy Whacko Bibliography Data Base (or CWBDB) David Dyer-Bennet and Martin Schafer are designing a SF bibliographic database which would meet anyone's wildest dreams. It will be a general listing including such things as art books, comics, novels, short stories, etc. The ultimate product would be a published CD-Rom disc that they would sell at cost. In the future it may be on-line, too. They would like Minn-StF to sponsor the project so that people they ask for help would be nice to them. They might come to the board for money in the future, but are not doing so at this time. After discussion the board decided that if the project was not keeping them from doing other useful stuff for the club, they would support the project. In a discussion of whether or not they need an official title/office the board decided to call them the Minn-StF Official Bibliographers. Minn-Con Scott Imes called Kay to tell her that because of Fritz Leiber's death, Minn-Con, which is basically seeded out of the pocket of John Brower lost $1200 because people did not come in the numbers originally expected and they were not able to meet their room block. After discussion, the board decided that giving John $100 would be a nice gesture if we can find a way to do it legally given our non-profit status and that he is an individual who may or may not be considered a member of our organization. Storage Kay has rented a heated storage space for the club. It is at EZ Storage at 4325 Hiawatha Ave in South Mpls. (721-7777). We currently have a 5'x10' space but will take the first 10'x10' space available. Until then we will pay by the month instead of an annual fee which gets us one month free. Polly will contact Denny to get a notice in the Einblatt that people should think about whether they have Minn-StF/Minicon property that needs storage and then contact a board member. Minicon 29 RFP'S Dean has an evaluation check list for the board to evaluate proposals and the Request for Proposals that Don did last year. This will be tweaked and people can call a board member to get a copy. Martin expressed a concern that there had not been enough notice in the October Einblatt that they were looking for proposals by November 20, so they decided to put off the meeting until December 4 so that it could go into the November Einblatt. Written proposals are due by November 28 to all five board members by mail, or they can be dropped off at the Minn-StF meeting that day. Proposers will then formally present their proposals on December 4. Call a board member for details. Grant Woods David S Cargo found his American Gothic Minicon T-shirt and is willing to donate it to the Grant Woods Museum parody collection. Other David needs to send samples of the One True Mailing List to the people who are going to check out the mailing list for changes of address. He has not yet bought the new paper folder Martin reports that we still do not have the Noreast Con Art show panels plan, but there are messages/requests out. The Minn-StF Library file cabinet finally has a key after two attempts at getting the right one. Thank you Margo! The quote of the evening: "Nobody's made a quotable quote tonight." The board decided that it should send a thank you note to Don Fitch for his contributions to the Mpls in '73 suite at Magicon. Next meeting will be the Minicon Proposals meeting on December 4. Minn-Stf Board Meeting 10/26/92