MN-StF Board Meeting 27 January 1993 Persons present: David S Cargo, Dean Gahlon, Kay Drache, Eric Heideman, Dwayne Olson, Margo Bratton, Don Bailey, Joyce Scrivner, Jonathan Adams, Jan Appelbaum. Diversicon: Eric reports that it is going well with 83 registrations as of this meeting. They have pledges from several groups amounting to about $400 and he would like direction as to when they should stop asking for pledges. Some discussion and related questions around this subject ensued. TOTU: Eric reported on issue 11 of Tales of the Unanticipated and announced that he had recruited Tess Kolney as ad manager. Charles DeVet: Dwayne Olson approached the board about fronting a project to publish a short story collection by local author Charles DeVet. The board looked favorably on the project but suggested other possible funding sources that Dwayne should investigate first. OTML: The board discussed whether or not they should add E-Mail addresses to the MN-StF directory. After discussion it was decided that David will talk to Scott about producing an E-Mail supplement. There was also discussion about the problem that there seems to be a program glitch getting names added from the Minicon list into the One True Mailing List. A discussion of whether or not the OTML database needs to be overhauled followed. Pool Party: Jan and Paige Appelbaum offered to host the annual Pool Party at the Radisson and Jan came to the board to request $250 for the event since past experience has shown that the pool party is much more expensive than a regular Mn-StF meeting. The board approved the request. Paper Folder: The paper folder will be mail ordered for $170 plus shipping. Corresponding Secretary: There was some discussion of problems with Mn-StF mail dissemination. Kay read the job description that she has written and will discuss it with Jerry. The board then discussed the idea of getting a copier for the secretary to help in the job. They authorized David to investigate used, refurbished copiers and to spend up to $500 to get a desk top model for the club. Laminator: The board discussed the Minicon Registration request to get a laminator for Minicon so that we can make our own badges. After discussion they talked themselves out of it. GoHs: The question of what past guests of honor are to be comped at Minicon came up as a board question because it comes up every year in the Minicon committee. After discussion the board decided that the official policy is that (only) past writer guests of honor are to be given automatic complementary memberships. The next meeting of the Board will be Monday February 22 at 7:30pm at the home of Joyce Scrivner, 3212C Portland Avenue in Minneapolis. (Draw nigh all who have business before this court... ) Minutes taken by Margo Bratton (Thank you, Margo) and transcribed by Polly Jo Peterson Minn-Stf Board Meeting 1/27/93 Correction to previous minutes: The bibliography project is the Creeping Whacko Bibliography Data Base, not the Creepy one. Sorry Martin and DDB!