MN-Stf Board Meeting August 15, 1994 Attending: P. Peterson, D. Gahlon, M. Schafer, S. Imes, K. Drache Next Meeting: September 26 at Kay's. Polly reported on MN-Stf meeting start time; the small survey was divided. She will talk to more hosts. Polly reports that Rob Ihinger says we made $184 from the sale of library books at Diversicon. Polly bought $10.00 of gas for Don and Margo's van which was used to haul books and shelving to and from the con. Reimbursement approved. We approved $200 for Doug Friauf to hold a Mpls in 73 party at Worldcon. We discussed the Minicon 30 Theme; pretty lame. Reiterated that Minicon open meetings count toward voting privileges in MN-Stf elections. Scott Imes presented Alex Eisenstein's proposal to take the one time opportunity to display the works of artist and animator Ed Emshwiler at Minicon 30, an expensive undertaking which the Board approves of in theory but is not prepared to fund beyond $1000. Ideally someone would find grant money, check into Minnesota Arts Council travelling exhibition insurance funds, and be willing to serve as a local 'champion' of the project. More details forthcoming.