MN-StF Board Meeting January 16, 1995 Attending: Martin Schafer, Dean Gahlon, Polly Jo Peterson, Kevin Trainor, Joyce Scrivner, Kay Drache Quote of the Meeting: "Kay Drache, Speaker to MnStf Peoples" (Polly after Kay volunteered to call yet another person before the next meeting.) Joyce brought up two items; first, we discussed Treasury, the board's need to talk to Carol before making a final decision, who to get for cosigners, how many checks are written a month (taxes: Jonathan Adams is willing to continue to help,) possibly switching account to avoid high fees (but we don't want to create confusion between MnStf & Minicon accounts.) Carol Kennedy will attend our next meeting. Second, Joyce updated us on the collection of material for the Intersection Worldcon display; she is dealing with Lilian Edwards. This display will become part of the permanent Worldcon floating exhibit. The Pool party meeting on Feb. 18 will be the first nominating meeting for Board Elections; the second nominating meeting will be March 4, and elections will be March 18, allowing several weeks for the appointment of new officers before Minicon. Dean will get Martin and Nancy McClure the information they need for election of officers. Kevin reports that Jeff Schalles says the next issue of Rune is ready to go but Jeff is backlogged with work; Kevin has volunteered to help. "Early February" is the collation date. Garth is with Jeff on this; Jeff is still looking for missing Board minutes from 11/92, 12/92, 3/93, 4/93, & 11/93. (Update: Kay supplied 4/93; does anyone have others?) After this issue, we need to talk to Jeff, and Kevin has volunteered and is eager to be the sole editor or part of a team. Martin reports a request from Kris Spiesz to purchase a $350 adapter for Mac to NTSC (TV video) capability; Martin told him we are not philosophically opposed to Minicon making this purchase but we think we should continue to borrow such equipment as long as possible. Regarding Beermeister, Kay found Tony von Krag's number and will pass on to Minicon parties; mentioned Marin McClure making one again; space considerations. We discussed moving the archives from Joyce's to Kay's. This consists of moving a 4 drawer file and boxes of material. We will arrange; then Kay will sort and call for missing material. Karen Johnson, Scott Imes, Martin Schafer, and Bev Elmshauser were mentioned as possible sources for stuff. Joyce will organize the Apa 45 material. We briefly discussed the smoking at Minicon issue. Polly went over the Survey results and we discussed (again) activities, frequency, the president vacancy; we will come up with a plan. Next meeting February 20 at Kay's; Treasurer's report, MnStf meeting, Rune are on agenda.