March 7, 1996 Lynn Litterer recording Attending: Kay Drache (host), Polly Peterson, Lynn Litterer, Dean Gahlon, Martin Schafer. Business: 1. Selection of officers: Laura will continue as membership secretary. Julie Johnson will continue as treasurer. Kay Drache will continue as archivist. Polly Peterson will continue as corresponding secretary. Denny Lien will continue as Einblatt editor. Steven Brust will continue as Executive vice president. Marianne Hageman will continue as Hot-line editor (*bribed). Eric Heideman will continue as TOTU editor. Lynn Litterer will be recording secretary. Mark Richards will continue as Quartermaster. Jeff Schalles will continue as RUNE editor. Lydia does not want to be president again. Don Bailey agreed to be president after some begging (via phone). Thomas Keeley has stepped down as VPDP. Polly will call Barry to ask him to be interim VPDP. Martin will call Michael Pins to ask him to be VP. 2. Purchases The new art show panels were only half as much as expected, so we have ~$700 left of allocated funds. Proposed we buy five new smoke eaters for non-consuite smoking areas at Minicon: Atrium, Garden Court (?), 22nd floor. The consuite will be using the four we currently own. Questions raised about price and features. Rental is not feasible -- not available at rental prices. Questions raised about space in the storage locker. Ans: can be fit if we discard the old obsolete one. Minimum is two -- one for each room, leaving the Garden Court open. This may be a problem because this area is right next to the jacuzzi. Consensus: We will buy four good quality smoke eaters and move them as necessary to cover the smoking areas. Glenn Tenhoff will make this happen. 3. Filmeo copyright Question raised again by Jane Strauss. Legal opinions are conflicting -- need to check further. One possible solution is to rent from Blockbuster and put up signs. Rebecca Armstrong is nominally head of Filmeo, but she was gone for 3 months and was out of touch. She will follow Exec direction. She is planning on renting videos. Another solution is to use a distributor that supplies rights to show, such as college film programs use. Kay and Glenn will continue investigating this. 4. Liability -- Minicon and General Minicon -- Equipment and Alcohol We are dealing with Wayne Briggs at MN Hospitality Insurance (497-2553). He has been very helpful. We have to have separate transportation insurance on all the art to cover the Emsch exhibit (which we are getting). He suggests getting a yearly business owner's policy at 2/3 the price of our current 6-day policy. There are several options for alcohol coverage. Art coverage is 1.5% ($1.50/$100 of worth) -- a bit hard to come by. Kay will coordinate with Minicon departments, the agent and the treasurer. 5. Mike Levy with SIFWA They want to borrow the Art Show panels for a convention in Eau Claire, June 21-23. Erin McKee will be Art Show head. We will charge $10 plus any damage, they do transport. 6. Minicon Info Kay will go after Minicon department heads during the next year to get basic info. Geri Sullivan will put together a Minicon historical database. This needs to be a Board activity rather than a Minicon one to get continuity. 7. RUNE vs Venom Polly called Rob, will mail him a copy of the RUNE vs.Venom comic book so he can write the publishers a letter. 8. Status of Taxes Previously done by Jonathan Adams, who doesn't want to do it again. He is happy to meet with a new accountant. Due May 15th. Our cash flow is over $100,000 which makes it more complex. Lynn will call accountants Judy Gallas (379-8727), Kathy Blanch. Next meeting:April 18th, 7:30pm at Lynn's.