This is a transcription of paper minutes done by Matt Strait in 2020. The intent was to transcribe exactly without corrections, however I may certainly have introduced new typos or inadvertently corrected some. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MinnStf Board Meeting Dec. 12th, 1996 Present: Kay, Martin, Polly, Lynn at Kay's. +Barry Watson 1. The mail problem continues. Glenn is meeting with Kate Carey and Linda Paul to sort out the Minicon end. Polly has a box of mail for various people. The search for our tax extension form continues. Kay did see it when it came in, but no one knows where it is. It is worth $960.00 for us to find it. 2. The OTML - It can be accessed over the Internet with a password and the appropriate software. Denny has been getting Einblatt labels. A draft of the directory was passed around for review. It will go out with the January Einblatt. The OTML went from dBASE 4 to Fox Pro, with the same format + interface for data entry + report generation. Barry wrote the interface end. The data is stored in standard FoxPro format. Polly and Martin will set up access so Polly can enter returns from the post office and Martin can do backup OTML support. Barry will generate a year end report of registration for tax information. or - work 3. Liability questions - No info from Rob, we will ask Jonathan. Next meeting: Jan 16th at Lynn's Election dates set: Nominations Feb 1st + 15th, voting March 1st.