Minn-Stf Board Meeting - 23-July-1999 [Board] Dean Gahlon Martin Schafer Polly Peterson Geri Sullivan Don Bailey Mitch Pockrandt (Recording Sec.) Laura Krentz Agenda: "The Wall of Books" (Polly) Copy Printer Postage Meter Taxes (due 8/15) Minicon Governance Minicon-L ? Aussicon Party amount MITCH: Send Kim Huett's email address to board@mnstf... (Dean: wee kimbo huett, Don: ...arms akimbo...) Aussiecon Party - A bid to share with the Philadelphia people, but haven't rec'd a final reply yet. - Still waiting for details of resources, mechanisms, and costs available at Aussiecon. - (There is still one board meeting before Joyce leaves for Australia.) - Tabled till next meeting with the notion that we've been doing around $300 for recent Worldcon. - Don does quick-guess budget of $150/room, $75 munchies, $125 beverages. ($100 from Fanhistoricon?) Taxes - Judy needs disk from Sharon? Previous one didn't read? (Dean and Laura leave for Oz on Aug.21) - Action: Dean will call Judy to confirm status of taxes and any additional needed materials. - Wall of Books - A University of MN project for their new gateway building. Include faculty, staff, or alumni of the meeting. - Geri suggests $73 if we can get discount from Dreamhaven or Hugo's. - Jim Young, Gordon Dickson, Poul Anderson - (Polly has a good list but may not be sure of connections to UofMN) - Action: $73 approved. Copy Printer - Geri has more info, as does Martin... - Used equipment: None available currently. But we got info on the machine most likely to show up used (two came through in March). It doesn't have 20 user accounts. Guarantee of parts availability is scheduled to end in January 2000. They stopped making this model in Feb 1993. This isn't viable or wise for us. - Martin talked with Greg: Is ok with what we've been discussing doing, but we should talk to Elizabeth (store manager) as well. - One drum: black. - Purchase is approved of new machine. * Policy and implementation details that have been discussed to date should be formalized and/or documented. We need to set charges for use and supplies. (4 charges: Per sheet single-sided, Per sheet duplex, each with-own-paper and using-our-paper. Plus stencil charge.) Figure on a two year payback on machine when determining charges. Ask for info from Jeff. - Jeff will do the order. * We need to notify Linda L (Treasurer) that this is about to go through. * Jeff will do initial setup and be consultant for the first few months. Doug Wickstrom, as Minicon publications, may be a good choice to take over many of the responsibilities. * We should make up a form with standard agreement and payment expectations. - The person acting as coordinator for this critter is starting to sound like another MinnStf officer position. (Vice President of Duplicity?, Marquee du Paper? Director of Reproduction? ReproMan) * Geri will ask Jeff if he is willing to draft up needed forms and instructions. Postage Meter - Is now in Geri's dining room. - Dean sent in requested amount for closing account. Pitney Bowes is expected to be sending out a truck to pick up the meter, but has not been seen from yet. - We think Linda has their phone number. Geri will ask her for PB's number and then will call PB to find out status of pickup. NEXT MEETING: - Friday the Thirteenth of August 1999! 7pm at Don & Margo's. (Mitch: Get to Scott for EinBlatt!) - Friday, September 24, 1999. 7pm at Don & Margo's. Polly reports that Eric and Clark will have next TOTU out for Diversicon as planned. Minicon-L - A bit of discussion has happened but not much. - Tabled for further ensuing discussion. - Minicon Governance (45 minutes - closed session)