Minn-stf Board meeting on September 24, 1999. [Present] [Board] Don Bailey, Dean Gahlon, Martin Shafer, Geri Sullivan, Polly Peterson Linda Lounsbury Mitch Pockrandt [recording secretary] Joyce Scrivner Margo Bratton AGENDA Pitney Bowes postage meter Uncashed checks Complaint by Joyce Scrivner - Pitney Bowes postage meter Pitney Bowes has not picked up their postage meter but is asking about it. - Uncashed checks Linda Lounsbury is concerned about the number of uncashed TOTU checks outstanding. No action. - Complaint by Joyce Scrivner * Joyce feels strongly that M34 Council has been secretive and non-communicative with their volunteers, and Joyce feels that this was not the first time she has seen M34 council treat the folks working Minicon badly. She would like to see a concerted effort made to improve the relationships between council and volunteers, to make sure that volunteers are treated respectfully. * We are losing at least a few volunteers because of this issue and its lack of resolution. * There's a limit to how much "this is my own personal opinion" can be used to justify poor interactions with someone that you also have an official relationship with. [ -hashing of individuals' perspectives and observations- ] * Email communications, even on a private list, are not the equivalent of a private face-to-face communication. The words are more permanent than ephemeral conversations. * Dean: "We need to minimize the anguish of working on Minicon!" * Polly: We need to define a way of dealing with issues of Minicon. Email is not a private communication medium. It is just to easy to cut-n-paste and reprint content. An email list cannot be considered private in practice, so we need to discuss and define the personal privacy issues of dealing with conflicts and problems surrounding Minicon. * Joyce: "How does a convention get along with its volunteers?" is the question that she is bringing to the board. * Let's have a closed board meeting after [so] we can consider and sort things out. - Next open board meeting: Monday, October 25, 7:30pm at Don & Margo's