MN-Stf board meeting - 7/16/03 People attending: Laura Jean, Scott, Larry, Kevin, Dean, Polly So far we have only 5 subscriptions to paper Einblatt. Scott is simply printing these using his printer, so the copy printer usage will be substantially less than in the past. Board wants to raise the issue of fundraising at the next few Mn-Stf meetings and on Natter. Minicon 37 made very little money and it is a race between getting to the point where Minicon again raises substantial funds and we run out of our reserves. Larry would want to have computer files available to give details. People don't generally ask for details. People can come to Larry's house if they wish to look at the books The question is, how much are we spending in a year and how much do we have in savings? Larry feels that we will spend $6000-8,000 this year. The board is considering whether or not they need to reduce the meeting stipends and encourage people coming to the meetings to revive the tradition of bringing something to share at the meetings. The stipend was intended to be for beverages and munchies. Meeting sizes are way down from a few years ago (Scott says '92 or '93 was the meltdown.) We are having less difficulty finding hosts, which was part of the impetus for paying stipends. The Board wants to kill the hotline. They will put on a message asking for feedback from people as to whether or not they are using it. Scott will contact Mia to get such a message added to the hotline. Other events we pay for are the Pool Party, New Year's Eve party and the summer picnic. Laura Jean suggests making any changes to stipends as of Jan 1 so that people who have already agreed to host will not feel like we have reneged on an agreement. Events - Karen is willing to become the moderator again and David Schroth would be willing to help if needed. We will ask Karen if she would like his help. Dean will talk to Karen. Kevin has not yet had time to work on the Fallcon issues. We could try a bake sale. Minutes taken by Polly Jo Peterson