MN-Stf Board Meeting - October 15, 2003

People present: Laura Jean Fish, Kevin Austin, Scott Raun, Larry Sanderson, Dean Gahlon, Polly Peterson

Hotline: In order to meter it, they need approval from Arthur Leo Wu. Larry believes that Kevin will need to call them from the hotline phone. Kevin says that there have been only two messages; both people say they call a couple of times per month. Kevin has the message requesting that anyone using the hotline call and leave a message. This message has been on there since September 20. The previous message also had the information, but was a very long message, so maybe was not heard as easily. It was also announced on Natter and at MN-Stf meetings. Kevin will call the phone company and tell them that Arthur Leo Wu moved without leaving a forwarding address. There was a discussion of having a missing persons ad in the Minicon program book. Scott sent Peter a message to let him know that the hotline was cut. The money will be reallocated to meet MN-stf's financial needs.

There is a CD due and will be re invested the same way unless we change it. The other big CD comes due in 6 months if the club needed access to funds.

Scott has not heard back from Greg on the issue of subsidizing the hardcopy Einblatt.


The bylaws specify how a committee is to approach the board to run a convention, but the board has not been following them regarding the Relaxacon. Kevin sent Rick an email about this procedure. Most of the con committee members thought that was not an issue to sever the connection. Kevin will follow up with Rick after the convention this weekend to get the issues clarified including getting back MN-Stf's $300 seed money.


The board has finally gotten ahold of the documentation to do the taxes, but it has not been entered yet. Laura will be entering the data so that the taxes can be finished.

Web site

Board members have not had a chance to look at Peter's design modifications. If Peter wants to put the prototypes up for public comment without previous board approval, the board has no problem with his doing so. He should put a statement soliciting comments on the web site.

Laura and Dean will look at the meeting schedules and sign-in sheets to determine when the election needs to be in the next month or so.

Polly again promised to send text copies of the minutes to Dean for posting to the web page.

Other items

Next meeting will move to fourth Wednesdays to accommodate a conflict with Polly's schedule at 7:00 pm. (Thank you!) That is the day before Thanksgiving.

Scott will figure out the incremental cost of mailing the directory in the next two weeks so that the board can make a decision about mailing a revision in December. He will send the information out by email for board discussion.

None of the Franklin accounts have been killed. If the money is transferred from the savings account to the checking account, the savings account can be killed. Scott has access only to the savings account and Laura Jean may be a signer for the checking account although she did not become a co-head of Minicon until half way through the year. The Board of Directors could send a directive to the bank to close it if there are no signers available to do so.