Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Inc. Board of Directors Minutes of meeting, October 6, 2005 Present: Kevin G. Austin, Lisa Freitag, Dean Gahlon, Carol Kennedy, Scott Raun OLD BUSINESS Taxes: The MnStf copy of Quicken has been found and the Treasurer has loaded the data files. Scott will bug Irene (Treasurer) twice a week to get in contact with our accountant so the taxes can be filed. Minicon Finances: Books are closed on Minicon 40 (2005) and the Chairman is ready to mail a check to the MnStf P.O. Box for the amount of the profit. The Correspondence Secretary will then deliver it to the Treasurer who will then determine where it needs to be deposited. The profit amount for Minicon 38 has been deposited with MnStf, but the amounts that the accountant will need to file the taxes have not yet been entered into Quicken. The books have not yet been closed on Minicon 39 (2004) and the amounts have not yet been entered into Quicken. Irene will bug Scott twice a week to finish out the Minicon data entry. Letter to Mia Carol presented copies of the letter she intends to send to Mia about the complaint Mia had relating to the natter email list. The board approved the letter. Geri's Checks Have been deposited. Bookmarks Carol has requested graphics from Laurel, but she did it when Laurel was in the middle of planning her wedding. Kevin will ask Laurel again to get copies of the graphics to Carol. Meeting Kit Nothing has been done on this. Kevin will bug Laurel about it again. Speaker to Insurance Carol had written a note to herself about this, but the note was too terse so she couldn't remember what it was that she was supposed to do. Carol has been reminded and will get in contact with Kay Drache to see if she wants to continue with being Speaker to Insurance. NEW BUSINESS Duckie Box The location of the large duckie box has been determined! Minicon 42 Greg does not want to chair Minicon 42 but is willing to mentor someone during this year to prepare them to take over next year. We should solicit *now* for someone to run Minicon 42. Carol will post announcements to natter, Events and Live Journal and an announcement will be put in the next Einblatt. Next Board Meeting: November 10th, shifted due to World Fantasy Con