MINNSTF BOARD MINUTES - April 27, 2007 Location: Dream Park (Sharon's house) Attending: Dean Gahlon, Sharon Kahn, Laurel Krahn, Rachel Kronick, Lisa Freitag, Kevin Austin Minutes by: Sharon Kahn AGENDA * Insurance * Appointing new Officers of the Club * Minicon 43 * Misc discussion OLD BUSINESS Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting Minutes had actually been approved earlier via email, but our fledgling process hadn't quite closed the loop necessary to getting the minutes published. We officially approved the minutes, and decided to try the following process for next time: Sharon will send out draft minutes to the Board Mailing List shortly after each meeting. Every Board member must respond with either corrections/amendments or a "looks fine to me." If there are corrections, Sharon will make them and send the draft out again. At this point, it would be nice if everybody responded again, but probably all we really need is an ok from whoever suggested the amendment. At this point, Kevin will publish the minutes to the Minnstf members at large. Minutes will be posted to the Minn-StF website in the records section, and email with the URL to the minutes will be posted to one or both of the Minnstf mailing lists. INSURANCE Lisa has paid the insurance company: Sunrise Park Insurance, $696. She will keep the insurance policy at her house, and will submit some kind of proof of payment to Carol for reimbursement. The Board has approved the reimbursement. NEW BUSINESS Officers of the Club After some discussion, it was determined that the only other position we need to fill at this point is Vice President. That position is still under discussion. If somebody volunteers to do something about the Minnstf/Minicon mailing lists/database we can always appoint a VPDP (Vice President of Data Processing). Minicon 43. ---------------------------------------------- It was noted as a point of information that the Minicon 43 Exec has already scheduled a meeting for April 28, 2007, that will serve as both the post- mortem for Minicon 42 and kickoff meeting for Minicon 43. Treasury Business 1) The Board approved the following club expenses, and directs the Treasurer to write checks accordingly: * A contribution of $50.00 to the Muscular Dystrophy Association in memorial for long-time Minnstf member Doug Friauf. The check should be sent directly to the MDA. * A contribution of $100 to the Gordon Dickson Scholarship Fund: Contact info can be found at http://www.sffan.org/gdmf/ * Reimbursement to Lisa Freitag for insurance payment. Lisa will contact Carol and provide proof of payment. 2) The Board wonders if a set of official signers has been established for the new Minnstf bank account. We can provide suggestions for signers if necessary. Next Meeting ---------------------------------------------- Date tentatively set for Friday, June 1, subject to confirmation from the members that have to check their appointment books. Later note: June 1 didn't work out; we are trying to reschedule. Tentative Agenda: Review of Minnstf financial status, discussion of Minnstf archives and Minicon storage locker.