MINNSTF BOARD MINUTES - July 13, 2007 Location: Dream Park (Sharon's house, out back on the patio) Attending: Dean Gahlon, Sharon Kahn, Rachel Kronick, Lisa Freitag, Matt Strait (Minicon 43 co-chair) Minutes by: Sharon Kahn AGENDA * Appointing new Officers of the Club * Minnstf and Minicon bank accounts OLD BUSINESS Officers of the Club All we really need at this point is a VP, but we never finalized this discussion. We still don't have a VP. MINICON 43 - Bank Accounts ---------------------------------------------- The problem to be addressed: despite heroic efforts to do so, the current Minicon chairs have been unable to get access to the Minicon 43 bank account. Matt Strait attended the meeting to discuss this. Background: Minicon maintains two parallel bank accounts, one for even years and one for odd years. This is because it takes so long to close out the accounts for one year that the account cannot be transitioned directly to the following year. Even with the one-year gap, the transition is logistically complicated. Banks tend to be confused by the concept of constantly changing signatories and keep changing their requirements. We as a club also have a little trouble just getting the right subset of people together to transition the paperwork. Apparently nobody has ever written down the process. Matt joined the Board for a discussion of how to expedite the process. We made several phone calls, and hopefully set things in motion on several fronts. LATER NOTE: everybody followed up on their assigned tasks, the account was transitioned successfully, and the outstanding checks for Minicon 43 memberships were deposited. Details in the next minutes. Next Meeting ---------------------------------------------- Date tentatively set for Friday, August 17, subject to later confirmation by email. LATER NOTE: this date didn't work out. Despite some desultory discussion about the date among various Board members, a firm date was never confirmed via email (currently our only procedure for establishing a meeting date). We finally managed to get together in September. Continued on next rock Tentative Agenda: Review of Minnstf financial status, discussion of Minnstf archives and Minicon storage locker. Officers of the Club.