Board Minutes 20090725 In attendance: Dean Gahlon, Scott Raun, Kelly Strait, Matt Strait, Seven, Dorf Prior Meetings: --Minutes from last two meetings ratified after discussion on board chat list. Minicon 44: --The official profit is $2063.27 (after hotel forgiveness of room block). --A check for this amount has been mailed to Carol, but not yet cashed. Minicon 45: --There is a new plan for the room block for this year, with prices of rooms being based on the date of booking (rather than there being a date when the room block "closes"). --Scott proposes $4000 as a target profit for M45, based on ~$4000 of MnStf expenditures for the year (~$2000 for meetings, ~$2000 for storage locker), though we would like to confirm those numbers with Carol first. --Is this a reasonable goal? Matt will contact the M45 heads to discuss. If they feel this is not achievable, we should have a discussion about what is likely possible. Convivial: --We need to get confirmation on this, but it is our understanding that Laurel's concern about running the fall con is that we have only been breaking even because she and Kevin have been eating the deficit. --With the current (relatively) low profits from Minicon & no membership dues or other source of income, the club cannot really afford to run a fall con that loses money. --Scott will discuss these points with Kevin and determine what the status of Convivial planning is for this year. --If Laurel & Kevin would prefer not to be involved this year, we would still need someone(s) to step up to cover hotel, treasurer, publications/advertising; programming (Dean & Laura), consuite (Matt & Kelly), and pre-registration (Scott) are already covered. Articles of Incorporation: --The articles of incorporation will NOT be modified, due to the fact that we would have to pay the state of Minnesota to do so and it's not that important. Printer: --Seven and Dorf have an appointment to evaluate the need for maintenance. --Scott will talk to Carol regarding the directory and the next possible printing thereof (as the most imminent possible need for the printer). Minicon T-Shirts --There are three boxes and three bins of t-shirts, currently all in Matt and Kelly's apartment. --Matt will consult with Marian regarding the daycare's need for excess t-shirts for craft projects, etc. --Could these possibly be used for crafty programming at Convivial, children's craft programming at Minicon? IRS Letter of Determination --Scott has sent the request for this letter. --New applications of a type similar to our request usually take no more than 7 weeks; Scott will contact them again if we have not received something in 6-8 weeks. Bank Accounts: --So far as we know, no further motion has been made. --The board would still like to see Carol added as a signer. Proposals for edits to By-Laws: --I.2.b - what does it mean to "request membership"? Topic tabled until next board meeting. --II.3 - update wording to include electronic communication: "notice via e-mail or paper mail" --II.6.d - change the wording back to 4 concom, 3 MnStf meetings required for voting membership --III.1 - strike last statement --III.4.f - remove "day to day recess" --IV.4.c - change wording to allow "person designated by the Board" to assemble and distribute directory, remove requirement for secretary to bring bulletin board to meetings --IV.5 - enforce this to match practice to wording --VI.4, VI.5 - regarding the Board's ability to censure the concom - completely rewrite this section? Topic tabled until next board meeting. --VII.2 - regarding the bulk mail permit: are parts (b) and (c) necessary? --Matt will type up changes for approval at the next board meeting. MnStf Officers: --It is part of the board's responsibility to notice when individuals are exhibiting signs of burn-out. --Does Carol really still want to be the treasurer? Would she be happy to have someone else to do this? --Once we have received the IRS letter and can apply for the non-profit account with Dreamhost, would Laurel appreciate having webmaster taken off her hands? Next Meeting: August 15th, 2 pm, at Shaun's (MnStf meeting)