December 17, 2011 Attendance: Emily Stewart, Kevin Austin, Eric Forste, Pamela Dean, Dean Gahlon, Scott Raun, Irene Raun, Josie, Precious. Are and domains ours now? Scott reports that the domains are not yet transfered. Scott will speak to DDB about transfer. 501(c)3 status Email has been sent, but there are some questions about which forms we need. Scott and Emily will communicate about this and report back. Is the copyprinter gone? Not yet. Scott will list it on freecycle or Craigslist. Minnstf directory progress Needs more data entry. Scott will talk to Beth. CONvergence 2012 room party The room will be offered to a few people who are suspected of being friendly to the idea of hosting, then to the general concomm list. Emily will communicate to those people. meetings in public spaces All of the spaces in the Waterbury building are available on July 21st. Rates are as follows: 106 (lobby, kitchenette), $2 hourly; 106A (classroom sized space) at $4 an hour; 135 (the big room) , $10 an hour. Emily will reserve 2PM - 2AM room 106. board minutes links pages There were three inconsistent web pages that pointed to minutes. Now there are two. There was the web page that the records link on the main MnStf page pointed to, the web page that the records link on some of the other MnStf pages pointed to, and the web page that is listed in the "Einblatt!" going back as far as March 2008. Matt Strait has cleaned up some of this so that the second of those now redirects to the first but the third one is still out there. MnStf/Mpls in 73 CafePress stores Kevin sent an email to Laurel and Carol and he has not heard back. This is not yet resolved, but Kevin will continue to pursue the issue. Einblatt! printing Emily reports that last month's issues are printed and mailed. Hopefully this will continue in a similar fashion. board meeting email calendar Scott and Eric are looking into creating a calendar to send updates about board meeting locations and times. A Unix calendar program might suffice. ASCAP Scott has not heard anything back. Reminders about Board Approval for Expenses Events that have happened regularly in the past should not be assumed as approved for the future. New conventions or expenses need to be approved by the MnStf Board at regular meetings in accordance with Bylaws Part III, section 5, subsections d, e, and f. A general announcement to clairfy and inform people as to the need for board approval to be sent to Minicon list. Emily will write a rough draft. MnStf line item treasurer report Kevin has written to the MnStf Treasurer Carol Kennedy. As of the December meeting, Kevin has not yet heard back. He expects to see her in person soon, and will be able to ask her about it then. Fallcon This item is related to "Reminders About Board Approval For Expenses." A date for Fallcon 2012 is set, but a Fallcon proposal has not yet been submitted to the Board. It will be the third weekend in October. Beth still has several checks to deposit in the Fallcon account. The 2011 Fallcon was some unknown amount in the red. Beth is expected to send a report soon. Minicon 48, 49, and 50 This item is related to "Reminders About Board Approval For Expenses" We have a hotel agreement with the hotel affectionately known as "Radish Tree" for Minicons 47 and 48. We have not yet heard proposals for Minicon 48. Joel would like to continue as chair through M50, and would be willing to consider co-chairs. The board will work on finding co-chairs so as to prevent burnout. Chicon Minnesota Room Block There will be a party hosted by several Minnesota Fan groups at the Chicago Worldcon in 2012. Joel Phillips is working on some or all of the logistics for that party. The board has the following questions: What estimated budget will be requested of MnStf for the 2012 budget How much are other orgainzations contributing Who are those other organizations? (CVG, Marscon, Diversicon, Arcana, Anime Detour...?) Board at MnStf dot Org. Dean will unsubscribe us to the ivouchers if such a thing is possible. Emails for Minicon Webmaster at mnstf dot org and Minicon both go to Eric. Eric gets the paypal receipts that should go to the Minicon Webmaster. Eric will send an email to Kevin to make it so. Andra St. Arnauld should get Tax ID number stuff, Clay Harris should get Pre-Registration stuffs. Rune Press Publications We would like to give away some of our old chapbooks and erratta. There is a Steve MacDonald songbook for which we have some unknown financial arragnement. The editor of the publication will probably know. Maybe Geri Sullivan (?) Who has keys to the locker? Joel knows the passcode to get into the building and the combination. Emily will try to find help to inventory, which will include a listing of Title, author, editor, approximate number of copies. Status of Board Meeting Minutes for meetings before 2007 Rather spotty. Nothing before 1997. Dean and Scott will look and see if they have any old copies or archives. Kevin will talk to Matt about doing something with our current records to prevent this from being another problem in future decades. Kevin will email Dean about which records are missing. Next meeting 2:00PM at January MnStf Board Meeting. Minicon Proposals will happen at the January 21st meeting if it's at Emily's House. If David Wilford is hosting Jan 21, then proposal meeting will be a different date that is not a MnStf meeting. This decision must be made before December 22.