December 15th, 2012 MnStf Board Meeting Held at 3:00PM at the home of Scott and Irene Raun, Minneapolis, MN Attendance: Emily Stewart, Hershey Lima, Dean Gahlon, Beth Friedman, Scott Raun, Irene Raun, Laura Krentz. Conjecture Patricia Zetelumen is working on contacting hotels and will keep us in the loop. Beth submitted a balance sheet of -$195.90 and would like to be reimbursed for that amount. The request was approved. 501(c)3 Beth talked with Emily Robinson, a tax attorney that works with non-profits. They talked about getting help filing for our 501c(3). So far we have incurred charges of $219.45 and we will be billed monthly for her services. We are still a 501(c)3, but not in good standing. We need to send a determination of type and have it approved. There are two types of 501(c)3 corporations. First is private foundation. There are lots of rules that apply that we don't want to deal with. The other is public charity. For that we need to show that our money comes from diverse sources rather than a few people. What this form will require will be 5 years of good financial information. Need financials for five years, broken up into certain categories. 1. Anything like gift or contribution 2. Membership fees 3. Admissions, merchandise, and such. (This is our big one.) 4. Investment income (interst in bank account) 5. Other income Renewal with Secretary of State is due this year (form J-975). Can do it online. Upper left-hand corner "file amendment or renewal" Third one down in the list -- non profit domestic. Beth has taken care of this, and provided her e-mail address for official notices (order number 6327756). That this was not taken care of before December is an issue discussed under "organizational issues." Beth is taking care of getting information from Minicon and MnStf finances for the past five years. She will report her progress. We have received notice from the IRS that we have not filed all of our forms. Beth will talk to Carol about filling out forms. Organizational Issues We need an annual checklist, or some way to see that our ducks are in a row each year. This will be an agenda item for next month. The goal is to not be dependant on a person's memory to see that our things get done. Treasurer's Report Beth will talk to Carol about getting a treasurer's report available for the web. Website The most pressing issue is that our sites are currently hosted by people who may need to re-prioritize their finances. Because we are apparently very close to resolving our IRS issues, and we will then be moving our hosting to another provider, we will reimburse our hosters $120 to keep our accounts current. Cafe Press The cafe press store does exist, but does not seem to generate revenue. A follow-up email was sent to Kevin about the option of closing the store and re-opening it. Steve MacDonald Songbooks Beth is working on finding a low rate for mailing and will continue to update us. Hershey will pick up the song books and deliver them to Beth's house. Radish Tree The Radish Tree is in the storage locker. Hershey will also pick up the Radish Tree to bring to Scott and Irene. ASCAP Minicon Head of Music job description will be amended to include ASCAP paperwork. Emily or Hershey will verify that such is taken care of at next Minicon meeting at Clay's house. Emily will send email to Matt Strait and ask that such report be filed with the board. Pool Party & Board Nominations Matt Weiser is in charge of arrangements for the pool party. Beth Friedman will contact him about communication. Next Board Meeting There are many conflicts. We will figure by email and announce.