Minn-stf board meeting held at Beth Friedman's house 12 July 2014, 7pm Attending: Beth Friedman, Dean Gahlon, Lydy Nickerson, Scott Raun, and Matthew Strait * Previous meeting's minutes approved. * Go over TODO list: * "Dean will continue working with Carol to get our statements." Pinged her about it yesterday, got a response. She needs the statements from Hershey, who is supposed to be picking them up from the PO Box. Does Carol know that this is Hershey's job now and not Clay's? Matt would like $3000 seed money for M50. All approve. * "Dean and Scott will recover the board-chat minutes by the next meeting." Dean now has the data in a set of files. What's to be done with them now? Is it possible to add them to the existing Mailman board-chat archives? Scott thinks so. Matt suggests the simpler method of sending the whole thing to the list as an attachment, which puts them into the record, but not in a native way. Scott will work with DD-B to get them in in a native way. If he doesn't manage in a month, he will do Matt's way. * "Matt will communicate with Patricia about the METHOD Con 2 harassment policy." Done, see below. * "Matt will draft bylaw amendments to cover the exclusion policy and the definition of membership revocation." Postponed; Matt hasn't had time to do this. * Picnic cost for 2014 and location for 2015. The cost for renting the space for next year will be $50 more if we do the same thing. Bill wanted to know if that was ok. Yes, we decide that that is ok. This means that the location rental is $150 next year. We don't see an obvious better location; we like this one. * Archive location. Matt would like us to think about candidates for a location after Marian. Beth wonders if we could keep it with GPS somehow. Matt doesn't like the idea. Dean agrees: it would be less under our control than either a storage locker or a house. We threw out some ideas, but we will ponder. Matt suggests we think of a time frame as being 5 years. In the case that we urgently needed to move the archives, they could always go into the storage locker. * Minnstf harassment policy and implementation details: Beth is late doing the minor tweaks needed (prompted at least by Beth herself and Matt). Beth will do them and post to the list. Afterwards, we will post it publicly as previously discussed. Scott will deal with Facebook. Beth with natter and LJ. * METHODCon 2 harassment policy All approve. Here's the approved policy: > Anti-Harassment Policy: > > Please play nice with others. If you don't, others may feel the need > to intervene (up to and including the Con staff removing you from the > Con without a refund) and no one wants that. > > For those of you who need some more info about what not playing with > others might entail: Harassment is difficult to define, and attempts > at an exact definition are subject to rules-lawyering, so we won't > attempt to do that. In the end, harassment is judged primarily by the > person who feels harassed. Repeated unwelcome behaviors are mostly > likely to be construed as harassment. If someone asks you not to touch > them, not to talk to them, or not to refer to them in a way that they > find objectionable, and you persist in doing so, you may be harassing > them. Actions are more important than intent. > > Thank you and have a great time at the Con! * Integrated harassment policy. Why is there no top-level harassment policy for Minn-stf, Matt asks. Because the implementation details would be very different for different things Minnstf does, says Scott. Lydy says that the implementation details could be left to the cons, while the club as a whole has an overarching policy. No one objects to this on principle. Can the current draft Minn-stf policy, stripped of implentation details, work like this? We compare it to the Minicon 49 policy. They are pretty different, but is there a reason for it, or just because they were drafted by different people/groups? Matt proposes that if we all think about this and it still looks good, we shift to, after METHOD Con 2, having an umbrella policy for Minnstf that covers beliefs and goals and a board-approved public implementation statement for cons, plus the same for Mnstf meetings. All agreed, but Scott wants to have Matt make sure first that Minicon does not feel that somehow this is bad. Dean agrees. * Rune Matt has asked for $137.88 to cover costs of printing and mailing 160 copies plus printing 61 unmailed copies. This amount has been reduced by half of the cost of sending the 88 copies sent to Minneapolis in 2073 members; MPLS2073 is covering the other half of these. All approve. Matt says that while he is happy to continue being Rune editor, he isn't going to make any claims about when Rune 91 is coming out. He'll publish it when enough content comes his way, which might be a really long time. * Minicon CONvergence party expenses - need to ratify the "up to $100" for 2014, and also Matt moves that we give Joel his $65 for 2013 without further delay. All approve. * Minicon 49 report. Still waiting on hotel bill. Matt Strait will talk to Matt Weiser tomorrow and see what is going on. Some nervousness was expressed that this was getting pretty late. * Minicon 50 report. Matt has now been added to the new Minicon 50 bank account at Wells Fargo. Clay has not yet cashed the pre-reg checks that we collected at Minicon 49. We're making that a priority. More things might have been said here, but Matt was doing all the talking and also taking minutes. * Minicon 51. No bids yet. Scott will ask Peer to explicitly announce that we need a chair at the business meetings for the next couple months. * Going back to implementation details for harassment policy of Minicon. We have agreed that we need to share the details of complaints with the board as well as the chairs and harassment committee of the next year. We need also: 1) A procedure for enforcing the non-grata flag at the door. Currently the database has said flag and we would be able to reject pre-regs from people who have it set, but if they came at the door, we wouldn't notice. This is currently academic since we don't expect any of the people with the non-grata flag to try to show up (all the flags having been set many many years ago), but might not be academic in the future. 2) The non-grata list to be kept by Minn-stf so that a new Minicon committee can't choose to ignore it. (I suppose a Minicon could exclude *more* people than are on the Mnstf list, but not fewer.) * Next meeting. Aug 30 at 8pm at Beth's and we'll all be on time and try not to run very long. TODO: * Dean will continue to work with Carol and *Hershey* to get our statements and send M50 $3k. * Scott will work with DD-B and Dean to get the board-chat archives integrated into the current board-chat archives. If not elegantly integrated by mid-Aug, should be dumped in as an attachment. * Scott will make sure Matt gets his check for Rune costs. * Scott will ask Peer to explicitly announce that we need a chair for Minicon 51 at the business meetings for the next couple months. * Beth will do minor tweaks to the harassement policy and post to the list. Afterwards, we will post it publicly as previously discussed. Scott will deal with Facebook. Beth with natter and LJ. * Matt will draft bylaw amendments to cover the exclusion policy and the definition of membership revocation. * Matt will make sure that Minicon is ok with the harassment policy restructuring idea. * Matt will tell Clay that we need a non-grata report for Carol. * --> Someone <-- will make sure that Joel gets up to $100 for this year's CONvergence party and $65 for last year's. * --> Someone <-- should tell Bill that we are happy paying $150 for the picnic location next year. * We will all ponder physical archives location.