Board meeting at Scott Raun's. July 24, 2015, 8pm. Attending: Matt Strait (by phone), Scott Raun, Kevin Austin, Lydy Nickerson, Ann Totusek. Also Irene Raun. == Approve previous minutes == Approved! == Review of the TODO list == "Scott will see if Carol has paid ASCAP." Carol implied that she paid them, but Scott wants a more definitive statement. Back on the TODO list. "Scott will continue following up with DD-B about our Spideroak account." Scott asked him at the picnic, and DD-B was looking into the technical details. Back on the TODO list. "Scott will get us set up with Amazon Smile." Gave account info to Carol. Now Carol has agreed that this is delegated to her. Scott will follow up. Back on the TODO list! "Lydy will put together the informational packet for new board members." Lydy says "that would be a good idea". Back up on the TODO list! "Lydy will get the last two signatures for the Ameriprise paperwork. Once that is done, she will move all our money into C-shares." She has all the signature and needs to mail it in. She will get it in the mail in the next couple of days. After they get it, one of the signers will do the money moving. Back on the TODO list! "Ann will send out her Ken documentation to the board-chat list and we will all read it." Done. "Ann will follow up with Dean to make sure that Ken is removed from natter." Ann has asked Dean, but hasn't double-checked. She can do that as we sit here. Back on the TODO list! "Matt and Ann will work on a M51 policies and departments document." Matt sure as heck hasn't done anything on that. "Matt and Ann will write a definition for quartermaster and send it to board-chat." We haven't done this. Matt thinks this is higher priority than the M51 policies and departments document. Matt and Ann schemed for actually talking about this outside the meeting. Back on the TODO list! "Scott will get the new bylaws printed and signed." They are printed, and they are all signed except for Matt. They are now going to go to Dean for display at meetings. Scott will give them to Dean a week from tomorrow at the Minn-stf meeting at Scott's house. Scott will take the new bylaws to a meeting so it can go in the sign-up book and thereby become official. Yes. Will happen. "Ann will work on Kelly J to get Matt S his receipts for M50." Ann did what she could and now other avenues need to be tried. Matt is concerned that this is dragging on for a long time and he may owe us money, so not showing his receipts is starting to look bad. He would like the thoughts of the board on this. Ann believes that probably Minicon 50 owes him money rather than vice versa. Lydy suggests a letter from the board on letterhead giving a specific deadline. A reasonable deadline could be based on the 6-month convention finances deadline from the bylaws minus a bit of time. We can include an offer to come get the receipts. We should note that we don't care if the receipts are organized. Lean on the bylaws mandate. We decide that Ann will talk to him again before we draft a letter. Ann will let Matt know how this goes, and after a week of no motion, we will do the letter thing. "Matt will draft a letter to Tim Cooper." Done, and sent. Kevin says that he posted to twitter that he got it, and he wasn't happy. As far as we know, we haven't gotten a formal response. Lydy says that she is aware that he had a similar conflict with Fourth Street. Scott will make sure that Ken is not on the Einblatt list. [DONE] Matt will put the new harassment policy on the website. [DONE] Matt will put the new bylaws on the website. [DONE] == Conventions == * Minicon 50: Getting pretty close to closing the books. * Minicon 51: Within 5-7 days, Clay should have the deposit stamp and there will be some money in the bank. We are coming up on having a signed contract. No other commitments have been made pending this contract. They have all of a sudden started being responsive about a week ago. Now have a rough draft of a contract and Keith is working on setting up a meeting with them. Once that is done, there is one more GoH invitation to send out. == Archival == Minicon/Minnstf tapes of Jeff's. (1) Jeff needs them stored elsewhere. (2) Jeff, Geri and others would like them digitized; someone could write a Legacy grant, Karen knows about this, DD-B has been named as a possible point person. Ann perhaps volunteers to take the tapes if needed. It would be easier later. We all agree that the storage locker is a bad idea since the tapes inevitably will be thrown in the Minicon truck and then maybe never come back, no matter how we label them. We discuss climate control. How good climate control would we want to require? 50-90F? Ann can do that. She can put them in her basement. She'd just want to make sure they were on a pallet to avoid water damage. Ann will contact Jeff and say she's willing. TODO item. Geri suggests DD-B might be interested in being the point person on digitization. Lydy confirms that DD-B is into video now. It seems likely that Karen would be willing to write the grant. Ann would also be interested in learning how to do grants like this. Ann will contact Karen about this. TODO. Lydy will ask DD-B if he is willing to be project leader. TODO. After digitization, we will have to decide what to do with the physical artifacts of the tapes. Perhaps they are interesting only as historical artifacts. But perhaps they are interesting because in 30 years, improved digitization could provide higher quality video. We are all ignorant on this, as is Geri, who brought this up to Matt. To be investigated long-term. For either sort of interest, we will want to see if a museum or library collection. Ann will see about contacting the University of Iowa library to see whether this sort of artifact is valuable and in what sort of way. Are they worth trying to preserve? This affects how we would like them stored, if at all. Ann has an e-mail address ready. Lydy will help Ann draft a useful e-mail. TODO. In fact, Ann is going to send the board an link about the Iowa collection. Lydy will do the e-mailing after she talks to Jeff to find out the details of the collection. == Set next meeting == Sunday Sept 6, 8pm, Scott's house. == New TODO list == Scott will follow up with Carol about ASCAP. Scott will follow up with Carol about Amazon Smile. Scott will follow up with DD-B about Spideroak. Lydy will put together an informational packet for new board members. Lydy will mail in the Ameriprise paperwork. Once that's done, one of the signers (Carol K, Richard T, Irene R, and Dean G) needs to move the money. Ann will double-check with Dean to make sure Ken is off natter. Matt and Ann will work on a M51 policies and departments document. Matt and will write a definition for quartermaster and send it to board-chat (higher priority than M51 policies and departments document). Ann will talk to Kelly J about M50 consuite receipts, and we will follow up as is appropriate. Ann will contact Jeff about archival tapes. Ann will contact Karen Cooper about grant writing. Lydy will ask DD-B about being tape digitization project leader. Lydy and Ann will draft an e-mail to the University of Iowa special collections people about tapes.