Minn-stf board meeting, July 4, 2022, 2pm on Jitsi. Attending board members: Matt Strait (recording), Linda Lounsbury, Scott Raun, Isaac Schneider, Aaron Vander Giessen. == Ratify approval of previous meeting's minutes == Previously approved by e-mail by Matt, Scott, Isaac, Linda. Ratified. == Other ratifications == We unanimously approved, by e-mail, putting out a request for proposals for Minicon 57 with a one week deadline to express interest. (It happened, too. No one expressed interest.) Yes, ratified. == Review TODO list == * (2022-05) We'll think about our finances and whether we want to buy archival hard drives. Isaac bought two hard drives for himself for a total of $536 which he could resell to Minnstf. We'd like an annual report on our finances (savings, checking, investments; inflows and expenses, actual and expected) from Carol before making a decision. Scott will ask for this. * (2021-06) Scott will correspond with ASCAP to tell them we had no events in the last two years. Not yet done. * (2022-05) Scott will tell Irene that she is now going to be an owner of the USBank account. Scott will also update Emily and Kevin. And tell Irene and Emily that we want to open a third checking account. Scott told Irene, but not the rest. * (2022-05) Scott will make sure that the USBank "owners" get changed and the new checking account gets opened. Not yet done. Matt asks: can we set a deadline for this so that it's sure to be useful for Decongestant? By July 15 would be Decongestant minus 12 weeks. Scott says a deadline of the end of July works. Ping Scott in two weeks. Incidental question: do we need to change our checking account number because we had a check stolen? (See below.) After some discussion, we decide no. We don't have any auto-payments set up, which is the obvious thing that can be screwed up when changing accounts. But we do have it linked to Vanguard, and it was a colossal pain to achieve that linkage, including needing to get documents notarized and everyone together in one place, etc. So we'd rather not have to do that again. There are other minor difficulties with changing accounts too, e.g. paying for new books of checks. But we're going to ask Carol to reconcile our bank statements by the 15th of each month, in perpetuity. Really, we should always have been doing this. Carol can look at the statements either online or on paper, whichever is easier for her. She may not have online banking set up, but she could certainly set it up. We looked; last month had seven transactions. So this is not an onerous task. * (2022-04) Scott will renew the "Minicon" assumed name and report on the current process for doing that. The page you start on is https://www.sos.state.mn.us/business-liens/business-forms-fees/assumed-namedba/ It is necessary file on paper via postal mail. We apparently failed to renew in 2021. What does that mean happens now? Just means that we have to pay $25 (by check, by mail) and do some paperwork. If we don't forget, it's free, but we still have to file by postal mail. It appears that the way we failed to remember to renew was by collapsing the corporate SoS renewal and assumed-name SoS renewal into one TODO item called "SoS renewals". So we'll try to be more clear with ourselves in the future. Done: * (2022-05) Scott will follow up with Carol about making sure the storage locker is paid, and a suggestion to maybe try to automate the payment more, if that seems like it would help. Carol paid this using her credit card. The problem was that our check was stolen out of the mail. See above. So it wasn't us forgetting (although that has happened in the past). * (2022-05) Scott will renew our domains. * (2022-04) Scott will do the MN Secretary of State check-in. * (2022-04) Scott will do the taxes. * (2022-05) Matt will write the amended covid policy and circulate it, then he'll tell the president about the new version of the policy. * (2022-05) Matt will get the lists of signers together and post them as part of the officers list (and put Isaac on as quartermaster). And also include Emily and Irene as "owners of the US Bank thing" on the officer list. And Carol as "cheer person". * (2022-05) Matt will announce the next meeting to officers and chairs. * (2022-05) Matt and Isaac will remind the Minicon and Decongestant concoms how voting status works. == Review recurring task list == Get a report from the Quartermaster. We ask Isaac for one. Send bills for past due accounts. Matt will do this. == Read the officers list into the minutes == President: Sharon Kahn First Vice President: Dean Gahlon Treasurer: Irene Raun Assistant treasurer: Carol Kennedy Bank "owners": Irene Raun, Emily Stewart Main account signers: Irene Raun, Richard Tatge, Carol Kennedy, Dean Gahlon Minicon account signers: Matt Strait, Emily Stewart Investment account signers: Carol Kennedy, Irene Raun, Aaron Vander Giessen Investment account signer with web powers: Aaron Vander Giessen Correspondence Secretary: Hershey Harris and Linda Lounsbury Membership Secretary: Scott Raun Recording Secretary: Matthew Strait Cheer Secretary: Carol Kennedy Einblatt Editor: Osce Erikson Rune Editor: Matthew Strait Archivist: Matthew Strait (includes web archives) Quartermaster: Isaac Schneider Director of the Fan Photo Archive: David Dyer-Bennet == COVID policy == It's our first meeting after June 15, so it's time to discuss our covid policy and affirmatively either keep, modify, or end it. This is pro forma: we just amended the policy at the last meeting and we still like it. == Book donations == A batch from Dreamhaven has been delivered to Central High School. Don would like our order from Uncle Hugo's to be in July. (He's busy setting up his new store.) == Conventions == * Minicon 55 Waiting for four checks to clear, and Matt needs to deposit $45 from Bill which is a refund for our overpayment for badges. * Minicon 56 Clay is planning to start data entry for prereg this week, which hopefully means he'll be cashing checks soon thereafter. Guests of honor are in place. Flyers went out at Pride with the GoH. Website is not updated yet. Aaron will ask Ken K if he wants to volunteer to redo our website. If not, we'll probably stick with the current system but this year actually put some pictures up so it doesn't look so terribly plain. Matt and Isaac will get on scheduling a concom meeting. Aaron says that the hotel is usually available on weeknights. (Per contract, we get four free meetings.) We are especially looking for a programming co-head, the one who will be more people-facing. * Minicon 57 We confirmed Matt and Isaac as GoH, and they confirmed Ursula Vernon as a GoH. * Decongestant 5 Clay has been asked to figure out who all is registered. Several people registered as long ago as 2019. We are looking for a consuite co-head. * Minneapolis in 2073 Still planning to have a party at Chicon. Probably one night, but could also do the dead dog night. == Next meeting == 6pm, Tuesday Aug 9, Scott's house. == New TODO list == * (2022-07) Scott will ask Carol for a report on our finances (money we have, income and expenses, last year and expected). We'll use this, in part, to make a decision about buying hard drives. * (2021-06) Scott will correspond with ASCAP to tell them we had no events in the last two years. * (2022-05) Scott will update Emily and Kevin about how Irene is going to be an owner of the US Bank account. And tell Irene and Emily that we want to open a third checking account. * (2022-05) Scott will make sure that the USBank "owners" get changed and the new checking account gets opened. This will be done by the end of July. * (2022-07) Matt will ping Scott around July 18 to remind of the previous item. * (2022-07) Scott will ask Carol to reconcile our bank statement by the 15th of each month and report on it. * (2022-07) Matt will announce the next meeting to officers and chairs. * (2022-07) Matt will send bills for past due accounts. * (2022-07) Quartermaster Isaac will check on the storage locker. He'll also retrieve the N95 masks that should go to Scott, but probably got packed in a reg bin.