Minnstf board meeting is, April 22, 2023, 1pm, by videoconference. Attending board members: Matt Strait (recording), David Dyer-Bennet [DD-B], Scott Raun, Linda Lounsbury. Attending others: Stacey Lam. == Ratify approval of previous meeting's minutes == Matt, Aaron, Linda and Scott approved Feb 25 minutes by e-mail. Matt, DD-B, Linda and Scott approved March 25 minutes by e-mail. Both ratified. == Review TODO list == * (2021-06) Scott will correspond with ASCAP to tell them we had no events 2020-2021. No progress. Should we reassign this item? Maybe DD-B wants to do it? He doesn't really. Scott will consider. * (2023-01) Scott will talk to Carol to get GPS paid $200 as per our cooperative agreement with them. Did that February 20th. Scott asked Carol last night if it happened. * (2023-03) Scott will get our assumed name "Minicon" renewed. It is renewed. It cost $45. Scott sent the paperwork to the board list so we all have the documents. Linda will take the paperwork in to SPIRE so that we can cash checks made out to Minicon. Done/retired: * (2022-10) Isaac'll make a spreadsheet of the storage locker bins and e-mail us a link to all the photos somewhere. We assume that since he has resigned as quartermaster, this isn't happening. * (2023-02) Scott will ask Carol for confirmation that the latest several bank statements have been balanced. Carol reported that the Jan 31, 2023 statement balanced. That was a while ago, let's revive this item. == Review recurring task list == First three things up this month: Taxes, due May 15. Renew Minicon assumed name (see above). Renew with Secretary of State. Scott did the taxes and sent us the paperwork. The assumed name got renewed, see above. Scott also renewed with the Secretary of State. Scott says that next year for the taxes, with form 990N, he'll either have to associate his personal IRS online account with Minnstf, or file a 1040-EZ on paper. Matt encourages him to file on paper if that's easier. Send bills for past due accounts: Matt will keep doing the same thing. Discuss covid policy and affirmatively either keep, modify, or end the policy: Do we like the continuing to follow the CDC's definition of "up-to-date", which might change the day before a meeting, making it impractical for everyone to be up-to-date? Is this a practical concern, or mainly theoretical? Maybe mainly theoretical. It's a bit difficult to get to the current community *transmission* status from the CDC, which our policy keys on, but you can get there. All four of us now know how to see it. We affirmatively agree to keep the policy unmodified. == Officers == The state of things now is: President: Sharon Kahn [continuing] 1st Vice President: Dean Gahlon [continuing] 2nd Vice President: Hershey Harris [new] Sharon expects that the primary deal is that one of the VPs convenes meetings while she schedules them. Treasurer (really: speaker to banks): Irene Raun [continuing] Assistant treasurer (really: bookkeeper, check writer): Carol Kennedy [continuing] US Bank main account signers: Carol Kennedy (primary), Irene Raun, Richard Tatge, Dean Gahlon [all continuing, implicitly; these would be a huge hassle to change] US Bank Minicon account signers: Kevin Austin (primary), Emily Stewart (primary), Matt Strait [all continuing, implicitly; ditto] Investment account signers: Aaron Vander Giessen (with web powers), Carol Kennedy, Irene Raun [all continuing: Aaron affirmatively, others implicitly] SPIRE membership controllers: Matt Strait, Irene Raun [new] SPIRE main account signers: Matt Strait, Linda Lounsbury [new] Correspondence Secretary: Hershey Harris, Linda Lounsbury [continuing] Membership Secretary: Scott Raun [continuing] Cheer Secretary: Carol Kennedy [continuing] Einblatt Editor: Isaac Schneider [new] As a reminder, we have redefined the job of Einblatt Editor to mean being in charge of attempting to reach people who manage to miss announcements/schedules sent to natter, the Google Calendar, Facebook, etc. It doesn't have to look like a monthly newsletter, but maybe a monthly postcard with meeting reminders is the way to go. Rune Editor: Matt Strait [continuing] Matt intends to try to farm out issues to guest editors while providing continuity of submissions, LOCs, etc. Archivist: Matt Strait [continuing] Quartermaster: Open. Matt thinks Jim Porter didn't say no when informally asked at Minicon. Matt will ask him directly now. How do we like the description of the quartermaster position that we wrote a while back? We want to change "dispute" to "unresolved dispute" in item 7. Director of the Fan Photo Archive: DD-B [continuing] Do we need any more officers for anything? Not that we can think of. == Conventions == * Minicon 56 We were directed to make $4000. Current projection is that we're going to make about $200. The reason is pretty simple. We budgeted on what the hotel actually charged us in 2019, but starting last year, they charged us in full instead of silently waiving some charges. We can hardly complain about that. A smaller effect is that we had several years of inflation, including some rather high inflation, between the budgeting and the expenses. That didn't impact the hotel bill, since the costs were fixed in the contract, but impacts purchases made closer to the con. Minicon 56 went well. Some understaffing. Nothing that would qualify as an incident and need to be officially remembered by the board. Both traveling GoH sent us nice thank-you notes. Greg also had a good time by all accounts. * CONFelicity Chair Stacey Lam reporting: We put an ad in the Minicon 56 program book, and had a room party at Marscon. Some memberships went into the Ducky Box at Minicon. Arcana has decided not to partner with us this year. Everything is going well. We still have a hotel. Scott made a hotel reservation, and so we know that works. * Minicon 57 Linda passed on seven mailed-in reg envelopes to Clay. Everything is fine. After the M56 postmortem today, Matt is going to work on choosing additional GoH. * Minneapolis in 2073 Still waiting on Pemmi-con (this year's NASFiC) to tell us how to run a party. And Linda is going to give Matt one really slow PR11 bounce. == Book donations == In principle we'd like to do this again, but we did just miss the Minicon profit target by a lot. Let's get a treasurer's report so that we're sure what our finances are like before committing. == Next meeting == 6pm, Jitsi, June 1. We'll have to keep it to an hour, but we have the whole hour. = Review new TODO list == * (2021-06) Scott will correspond with ASCAP to tell them we had no events 2020-2021. * (2023-01) Scott will confirm with Carol that GPS got paid $200 as per our cooperative agreement with them. * (2023-04) Scott will ask Carol for confirmation that the latest several bank statements has been balanced. * (2023-04) Scott will ask Carol for an annual treasurer's report so we know what the overall state of our finances is. * (2023-04) Linda will take our assumed name paperwork to SPIRE so we can cash checks made to Minicon. * (2023-04) Matt will send bills for past due accounts. * (2023-04) Matt will ask Jim Porter to be quartermaster. * (2023-04) Matt will update the list of officers on the webpage.