MNStF board meeting meeting, June 1, 6pm, by videoconference. Attending board members: Matt Strait (recording), David Dyer-Bennet, Isaac Schneider, Linda Lounsbury. Non-attending board members: Scott Raun. Attending others: Stacey Lam == Approve previous meeting's minutes == Approved! == Review TODO list == * (2021-06) Scott will correspond with ASCAP to tell them we had no events 2020-2021. * (2023-04) Scott will ask Carol for confirmation that the latest several bank statements has been balanced. * (2023-04) Scott will ask Carol for an annual treasurer's report so we know what the overall state of our finances is. -- Scott has asked. Scott is not present, so all three of these stay on the TODO list. Done: * (2023-04) Matt will update the list of officers on the webpage. * (2023-04) Matt will ask Jim Porter to be quartermaster -- After reviewing the job definition, he said yes. * (2023-04) Linda will take our assumed name paperwork to SPIRE so we can cash checks made to Minicon. * (2023-04) Matt will send bills for past due accounts. * (2023-01) Scott will confirm with Carol that GPS got paid $200 as per our cooperative agreement with them: Went into the mail on May 2. == Review recurring task list == * Shall we do book donations this year? Yes, but we're still waiting for a financial report from the treasurer to see what dollar amount we can set. In the mean time, Linda can contact some librarians and see what schools may be interested. * Annual domain registration renewal and contact information verification through GANDI. Current domains are and GANDI sends notifications to the address they have (board-at-mnstf), who needs to confirm information. Scott usually does this, so we're putting this on his TODO list. DD-B also notes that GANDI will take money from anyone to pay for domains, so in case Scott isn't available, anyone else could pay to hold the domains. But we believe Scott is available; DD-B reached him on the phone today. Scott affirmed after the meeting that he could take care of this. * Send notice to concoms reminding them how voting member status works. Matt will do this. == Covid policy update == We had been basing whether the policy was active on the "community transmission" metric from the CDC, but they have now stopped publishing that. Matt proposed that we change it to 25M copies/person in the metro area waste water, a metric which is still available and probably will stay available. This level is a close approximation of the top of the CDC community transmission "low" category, which was our old threshold. Approved. Matt will update the policy on the website. == Keep == Laurel has been paying for this, and she'd like to stop paying for it. Do we want it, or should we let it lapse? Matt says lapse. DD-B abstains. Linda abstains. Isaac is unresponsive. Motion to let it lapse passes. Isaac says we can let it lapse. Matt will let Laurel know. == Officer reports == * Einblatt (Isaac): "Oh, am I Einblatt editor?" Now Isaac will work on it. The charge (rather than being to specifically put out a monthly one-page (e-)mailing) was to reach people who aren't reached by the website, Google calendar, Facebook, or Twitter. This could be accomplished in a variety of ways, but Isaac is currently thinking that a monthly e-mailing might still be the best option. * Rune (Matt): Jeanne Mealy might do an issue as a guest editor, but hasn't actually committed yet. * Archivist (Matt): Sorting through Denny's boxes. There is some cool stuff in there. * Quartermaster (Jim Porter): Matt will bug Jim for a report. * FANPA (DD-B): He's been working with Terry's and Denny's collections of photos, integrating it into the site. Some of it will be used at Denny's memorial tomorrow. This is the third major photo collection that DD-B has received recently. One of the others is Chuck Holst's, which is all on film. * Webmaster (DD-B): He backed up the wiki so that it can be upgraded. DD-B hadn't officially been the webmaster, but since he's doing webmastery things, Matt proposes that DD-B be the official Minnstf webmaster. He accepts, and the board approves. == Financials == * Meeting stipends: It's been a while that the meeting stipend has been $75. Shall we raise it to $100? This would be in line with historical levels, adjusted for inflation. As usual, you can't throw a whole party of the caliber that people seem to expect on $100, but the board isn't attempting to entirely fund that level of party. Additionally, we need to adjust the stipends for the various bigger meetings. So: New Year's Eve party goes up to a $200 refreshments stipend. Picnics go up to about $150 rental + $100 refreshments (important that this is the same as the standard stipend, so it doesn't matter if something counts as a picnic or not). The board would like something like three picnics per year. The pool party goes up to $350 rental + $250 refreshments If we turn out to have other meetings that are kind of similar to picnics or pool parties, but not at exactly those venues, we'd set similar budgets. Our goes is to have about 24 meetings annually, costing about $3400, with the president empowered to divide cost up in other ways than those listed above as seems reasonable. All approve. == Conventions == * Minicon 56: Tidying up books and waiting for people to cash checks. Expect to return exactly zero. Green room overspent its budget and will get what is left in the M56 account, which happens to be somewhere between their budget and what was spent. * CONFelicity, chair Stacey Lam reporting: It's going. They're working on some programming. They'd like to encourage people to throw room parties. Please register. * Minicon 57: All department heads are filled. Going well. Clay has not yet cashed the pre-reg checks we collected at M56, naturally. * Minneapolis in 2073: NASFiC has still not managed to tell us if we can have a party and the possible natures of this party. Sooooo, we still want to and maybe we will. == Next meeting == July 13 at 6pm, by videoconference. == Review new TODO list == * (2021-06) Scott will correspond with ASCAP to tell them we had no events 2020-2021. * (2023-04) Scott will ask Carol for confirmation that the latest several bank statements has been balanced. * (2023-04) Scott will ask Carol for an annual treasurer's report so we know what the overall state of our finances is. -- Scott has asked. * (2023-06) Scott will renew and * (2023-06) Matt will remind concoms how voting member status works. * (2023-06) Matt will update the covid policy on the website. * (2023-06) Matt will tell Laurel to let lapse and thanks. * (2023-06) Matt will bug Jim Porter for a quartermaster report. * (2023-06) Matt will update the officer list to make DD-B the webmaster. * (2023-06) Matt will write down the new stipend policy, post on the web and tell Sharon.