These are not board minutes, but are minutes-adjacent and were stored with minutes, and seem historically interesting. This is a scan and OCR done in 2021. I have corrected OCR errors. The original document was typed, so have a fixed width font, and this copy duplicates the formatting as far as possible. ================================================================================ Pending Business from 1974/75 Board to 1975/76 Board (cf. 23 March 75 Board minutes) 1. Our official address, for records of Secretary of State and Internal Revenue Service, is the Hobbitat. When this changes, we must (under Minnesota Statutes) notify same. 2. An amendment passed by the Board on March 31, 1974, clarifying requirement that President must/must not be a Board member, to the effect that he/she could be either, was never published in RUNE and thus is not official. 1975/76 Board should determine what it wishes to do in this matter and (hopefully) pass an amendment accordingly. 3. RUNE 39 prints (as a footnote) an opening sentence to what is now By-Law XII which may or may not thus be "official;" it is not in the Secretary's records. Said sentence is "Previous Minicon chairperson(s) shall select successor(s), who is(are) recognized by the Board of Directors." 1975/76 Board should determine whether or not this is part of By-Law and, if not, what if anything they wish to do about it. 4. Fred Haskell has indicated that he will ask the new Board for decision of frequency and funding level of RUNE. 5. There have been requests for a "constitutional convention" or at least some alteration thereof to cope with potential loopholes, etc. On a related topic, Lien has suggested reproducing by mimeo or other means copies of the constitution (presumably deleting names and addresses of signees, obsolete notes, etc.) and distributing to (at least) voting members of Minn-STF. 6. Hopefully by time of election of new Board (29 March), a Treasurer's report will have been made; if not, determination of state of Minn-STF finances is certainly vital. 7. Board may wish to determine opened/closed nature of Board meetings and open/ closed distribution of Board minutes. At present, Secretary distributes copies of Board minutes only to Board members (with occasional general information therefrom in RUNE); distributes copies of SMoM minutes to those attending the subsequent Secret Masters of Minicon meeting; publishes copies of Minn-STF Business Meeting minutes in RUNE and in Son of the WSFA Journal (c/o Don Miller, 12315 Judson Road, Wheaton, Maryland 20906). 8. When in doubt, punt. [signed:] Dennis Lien ================================================================================