These minutes were transcribed by Matt Strait in 2021. I did it manually; no OCR. Typos, if any, are marked with [sic] when noticed, and anything else in square brackets is also my note. Real underlining in the typed original is simulated by surrounding words with underscores. Otherwise, since the original is fixed-width, this rendition duplicates the original formatting very closely. ================================================================================ Minn-STF Business Meeting of Feb. 1, 1975 home of Gayle Olsen and Cynthia Franzen Meeting called to order at 3:22 by the secretary, in the [struck out: "usual"] absence of president or vice-president. Lien announced that the election pre-report for the upcoming Board of Directors election was posted on the door and would be published in RUNE; everyone please read. Arms Having Been Twisted before the meeting, it was possible to announce upcoming meeting locations: March 1 and Al Kuhfeld's; March 15 at the Bucklins'; March 29 at Lien's; April 12 at Don Bailey's. (March 1 and 15 will feature Board nominations and March 29 the election; there will be a Minneapa collation at the March 15th meeting and a separate collation on April 5th at a place to be named.) Bailey moved to adjourn; Mike Wood ook-ooked (which was taken as a second); and the meeting was thus allowed to sink back into cheerful disorder at 3:23. Minutes typed 3 Feb. and submitted by, [signed:] Denny Lien Dennis Lien, Minn-STF Secretary [Handwritten (all the rest):] Fred- These may or may not be published in this RUNE, but thought you'd want the dates anyway. Announcement of interest: AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT will be playing at Coffman Union at the Univ. of Minn. on Saturday March 15, "continuously from 4p.m. to midnight." Student admission is $1, don't know about other admission. Denny ================================================================================