Convivial is a Minnesota Science Fiction Society Fallcon– a small relaxacon put on by and for Minn-StF (if you’ve ever signed in at a Minn-StF meeting or other event, you’re part of Minn-StF). Other fans are welcome too, of course. We’re convivial after all.
Co-chairs: Laurel Krahn & Kevin G. Austin
Gaming: Rachel Kronick
Hotel: Rick Gellman
Registration (pre-con): Kevin G. Austin
Registration (at-con): Carol Kennedy
Treasurer: Laura Thomas
Website: Laurel Krahn
We need your help! Volunteer to run something or to otherwise help out; write to tell us what you’d like to see at the Fallcon. If you don’t get in touch before the con, you can still pitch in at the convention.
The following people have pre-registered for the convention by either buying a full membership or a supporting membership:
Jonathan Adams
Rachel Adams
Kevin G. Austin
Bill Christ
Karen Cooper
David Dyer-Bennet
Pamela Dyer-Bennet
Beth Friedman
Dean Gahlon
Rick Gellman
Magenta Griffith
Clay Harris
Peter Hentges
Ericka Johnson
Sharon Kahn
Carol Kennedy
Ken Konkol
Rosie Konkol
Laurel Krahn
Laura Krentz
Rachel Kronick
John Ladwig
Betsy Lundsten
Elise Matthesen
Todd McInroy
Erin McKee
Lydia Nickerson
Irene Raun
Scott Raun
Mark Richards
Lee Reynolds
Dave Romm
Jeff Schalles
Marjorie Schalles
Bruce Schneier
Joyce Scrivner
Sybil Smith
Martin Summerton
Richard Tatge
Laura Thomas
Carole Vandal
David Wilford
Don’t see someone on this list who you think should be there? You might make a friendly comment to them about the convention and how great it would be to see them there. It’s entirely possible they haven’t heard about it or have forgotten about it.
Haven’t registered yet? No problem, just show up at the convention and you can buy a membership there.