Thursday Night Setup
October 15th, 2009 at 2:58pm |
Some folks will likely be at the convention hotel working in or near the Presidential Suite (Consuite) from around 5pm tonight ’til as late as 11pm or so. Matt & Kelly & Kevin & Laurel will likely be there for sure, with Dean & Laura and others expected at some point as well.
You’re welcome to stop by and help haul stuff into the hotel, help set up the consuite, and just hang out. Don’t expect a consuite yet, it’s more of a work party.
You’ll need a room key to a room on the 13th floor to get the elevator to take you to the 13th floor or you can call the Consuite from one of the hotel phones (it’s room 1321) and someone will meet you at the elevators with a key to let you upstairs.
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