Minicon 33 Home Registration Hotel Guests Programming Art Show Dealer's Room Addresses Running Minicon M33 Member Links

Thanks to Tim Puckett

This page is part of an archive and is available for historical reference only; for information on recent and upcoming Minicons, please visit

Information on these pages may not reflect current Minicon and Minn-StF policies, functions, contact info, etc.

For information about the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, the organization that has been putting on Minicon since 1968, please visit



Draft 5 of the program schedule is now available (updated 6-Apr-98). This is still preliminary and subject to change. This is a big page; it will take a while to download, and your browser will take a while to display it. (It's 90k.)

Mainstage and children's programming schedules are included.

There was also, but is no longer, an off-site tool, formery at, loaded with the draft 4 data, that lets you display by time, and search by participant, and other very useful things like that. It's provided courtesy of Anne Gay. Thanks!


Both of these forms are outdated now, but are left here for completeness.

Minicon 33 Programming Interest Sheet
Minicon 33 Panel Suggestion Sheet


Programming has a survey that you can fill out online to tell us what you like and don't like about Minicon programming.

MidWest Side Story

This year's production is being run by Barb Jensen and David Emerson.
Schedule and Cast and Crew Call

Fan Faire

Who: Representatives of science fiction, science fact, and speculative fiction groups.

What: Set up displays on tables in the Garden Court to show Minicon members the diversity of "organized" SF.


For more information on Programming at any time, please e-mail us at:
[Minn-StF] [m33] [m33 prog] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
David Dyer-Bennet <>