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Wrote several books of poetry during the 1960s.
Joined with the Firesign Theatre in 1966 on Radio Free Oz, in Los Angeles, and they released their first album in 1967.
Firesign Theatre created 14 comedy albums by 1984. David is the editorial voice in their writing.
Looks like
David wrote, produced, and performed in How Time Flies, a "hi-fi sci-fi comedy" in 1974.
He left Firesign Theatre in 1985 and struck out to do radio theater. He's been a mainstay in the Midwest Radio Theater Workshop since it began in 1979, in Columbia, MO.
He produced a series of science fiction radio plays called The Curve of Wonder which included stories by Ursula K. LeGuin and Thomas N. Scortia.
He directed the 1988 "50th Anniversary Production" of Howard Koch's original script (for Orson Welles) of War of the Worlds, with modern updates to make it sound like contemporary public radio. It starred Jason Robards & Steve Allen, among others, and was recorded at George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch studios.
Created the character of George Leroy Tirebiter on a Firesign Theatre album, who ran for Vice President with Papoon in 1972 and 76. George is a frequent companion of David's and may show up at Minicon. The George Tirebiter Story was written and performed for radio by a variety of performing companies, and is available on tape.
The George Tirebiter Story: Another Christmas Carol, Mexican Overdrive and The Ronald Reagan Murder Case.
David recently completed a mystery novel whose main character is George Tirebiter. It should be available by Minicon 31.
David's wife, Judith Walcutt, is his co-producer in his production company, Otherworld Media, and of their two sons. The whole family plans on coming to Minneapolis.
Information provided by Jerry Stearns.
Jerry looks like this with the Firesign Theater