This page is part of an archive and is available for historical reference only; for information on recent and upcoming Minicons, please visit Information on these pages may not reflect current Minicon and Minn-StF policies, functions, contact info, etc. For information about the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, the organization that has been putting on Minicon since 1968, please visit |
Updated 2017-06-19
Program book as a PDF (25MB), or a lower quality PDF (2.4MB), or page images:
front cover | 0–1 | 2–3 | 4–5 | 6–7 | 8–9 | 10–11 | 12–13 | 14–15 | 16–17 | 18–19 | 20–21 | 22–23 | 24–25 | 26–27 | 28–29 | 30–31 | 32–33 | 34–35 | 36–37 | 38–39 | 40–41 | 42–43 | 44–45 | 46–47 | 48–49 | 50–51 | 52–53 | 54–55 | 56–57 | 58–59 | 60–61 | 62–63 | 64–65 | back cover
The parts of the Minicon 33 Program Book made available here are
by the Minnesota Science Fiction Society,
Ed Emshwiller, Ken Fletcher and David Dyer-Bennet and are
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike licenced, except as follows:
Content by Robert Pasternak and Stu Shiffman is © each of them, respectively, all rights reserved, and reproduced here by permission.
Art by Derrick Dasenbrock (pp. 8, 9, 12, 23),
Amy Monte (p. 30),
Brian Tiemann (p. 32), and
Heidi Eckroth (pp. 36, 37) are © each of them.
Advertisements remain property of the advertisers.
PR2 is Now Online
PR1 is Now Online
[Added 2016-06-20] Here's a video including images of some of the button badges used in this Minicon era.
Added 2017: this t-shirt was available in gray and cream. The back is blank.
And there was another shirt, too. These are the front and back, respectively:
And here's pictures of the volunteer shirt, front and sleeve, respectively (the back is blank):
Added 2017: Our history table for Minicon 31 for many years listed it as being in the Radisson South, the Wyndham Garden, L'Hotel Sofitel and the Holiday Inn Airport 2. However, there's no mention in any of the publications of the Wyndham Garden. Quite possibly a lot of people stayed there, but it does not seem to have been an official hotel.
Alex and Phyllis Eisenstein, Greg Ketter, and Scott Imes are assembling a large display of his artwork. We expect to have 60 to 100 works on display.
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