This page is part of an archive and is available for historical reference only; for information on recent and upcoming Minicons, please visit Information on these pages may not reflect current Minicon and Minn-StF policies, functions, contact info, etc. For information about the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, the organization that has been putting on Minicon since 1968, please visit |
The Minicon 31 committee has been busy lining up events and planning for
the logistics of over 3,000 people and three venues. Here's the results of
some of the latest decisions. Start planning your convention now!
** Classic Film Festival and Symposium
** Theremin Concert
** MainStage Concerts
** Krushenko's gathering place
** Charity Auction
** Minneapolis in '73
** Blood Drive
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Minicon 31 is proud to introduce the Picture Palace in the Hotel
Sofitel, an old movie buff's paradise. Attend any or all of Bob DeFlores'
wonderful three-day classic film festival and symposium. Mr. DeFlores is a
film restorationist and archivist. He has appeared as a special guest at
film festivals across the U.S. and internationally, provided film clips for
innumerable retrospectives (including Carmen Miranda's) and toured with
W.C. Fields' grandson. He has agreed to provide us films from his personal
collection of over 6,000!
The first Theremin concert at a science fiction convention in decades will be hosted by Minicon 31, in conjunction with the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting of St. Louis Park, MN. One of the very first electronic music instruments, the Theremin was extremely popular at the Worldcons of the '40s and early '50s. Newer technology ended the era of fandom basking in its eerie tones.
Heard on the sound tracks of those wonderful "Grade B" SF thrillers throughout the 40s and 50s, Dr. Theremin's creation influenced a generation of musical tastes and talents, including those of a certain Mr. Moog....
This Minicon will be YOUR chance to see this bit of movie and music history in action! Hear one of the first 200 RCA Theremin instruments ever built-played right on our very own main stage!
History buffs, don't miss the panel on the restoration of this Theremin.
Or visit the Pavek while you're in town and see the collection of hundreds
of phono, radio and early TV gear. You're gonna love it!
We're in the midst of negotiations with several great bands, and the
extravaganzas area will be hosting several concerts at Minicon. The Twin
Cities' own Sneaking Suspicion has already confirmed that they'll be at
Minicon to entertain their fans.
Krushenko's, a gathering place for people who like to talk about SF, is
returning soon to a galaxy near you. This year it will feature a
combination of programmed discussions, parties hosted by SF groups, and
unscheduled time for spontaneous SF conversations.
Every year at Minicon's Art Show a few artworks are tragically abandoned
by their purchasers. We have now accumulated an interesting mound of
artwork that we no longer want to store, so we're auctioning them all off
for charity. All proceeds will go to the University of Minnesota Raptor
Center. Swoop down to the Art Show and make a bid before all the cool stuff
flies away!
The Minneapolis in '73 Zeppelin continues its cruise around the Radisson South, with plans to moor at the Plaza Tower (the short one) for Minicon 31. It's an intimate hospitality area sponsored by Minicon and hosted by fans near and far.
Network '73 will once again be aired over the closed-circuit system at
the Radisson. The text channel has a new look this year and will feature an
audio background mix of music and radio plays... a great background for
your parties!
There will be a Blood Drive again this year on the Friday of the convention from 12:30 - 5:30 pm.
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