This page is part of an archive and is available for historical reference only; for information on recent and upcoming Minicons, please visit Information on these pages may not reflect current Minicon and Minn-StF policies, functions, contact info, etc. For information about the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, the organization that has been putting on Minicon since 1968, please visit |
Minicon 31 is an annual science fiction convention, run by fans of sf&f.
Pre-registration deadline is February 14, 1996!
Here's the latest news. You'll get so excited about our guests and some of the special events that are already scheduled, that you'll want to rush to send in your registration form and get a hotel reservation.
You may need to be in communication with the committee now.
** If you are a dealer, artist, musician, costumer, videotaper, or
game planner, check out
participant info.
** If your group is part of the larger fan community you may want a
group presence
at Minicon.
And, of course, the committee cannot do it alone. There are many tasks that need volunteers.