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Where to Sleep for Minicon 31
Minicon takes place at the Radisson South Hotel, 7800 Normandale Blvd, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
The Radisson is more than full. Inexpensive bribes will no longer work. We are sorry if you don't have a room at the Radisson for 1996.
There are still rooms available at our overflow hotels. The Hotel Sofitel is right across the parking lot. The Holiday Inn is right across 494 (with a Minicon shuttle running between it and the Radisson).
To make a room reservation, contact the hotels directly. These two hotels are for sleeping, not parties! (If you're planning a room party, see the Suite Ghods.)
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The Sofitel is right across the street from the Radisson and is a four-star hotel. It is also a quiet hotel. The rooms at the Sofitel have two phone lines and a modem port, as well as voice mail. The Sunday Brunch is wonderful, as are the three restaurants there.
5601 West 78th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55439
Phone (612) 835-1900
Fax (612) 835-2696
Single, double $69.00/night
Triple, quad $79.00/night
If you want a suite (not just a room) in the Sofitel (for lodging, not
for parties!),
please get a reservation at that hotel and then write to Victor Raymond at
the Minicon P.O. Box
to get the convention room rate.
The Holiday Inn is located just south of 494 (in its shadow) on Highway 100. A shuttle service will be available.
5401 Green Valley Drive
Bloomington, MN 55437
Phone (612) 831-8000
Room rate is $59.00/night.
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