This page is part of an archive and is available for historical reference only; for information on recent and upcoming Minicons, please visit Information on these pages may not reflect current Minicon and Minn-StF policies, functions, contact info, etc. For information about the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, the organization that has been putting on Minicon since 1968, please visit |
M31 is composed of thousands of bodies, but none shine brighter than the
celestial host
of volunteers that bring Minicon to life. Bring your energy, your light, to
M31 in the form of volunteering.
There are many
jobs you can sign up for.
If you want to help, get a
volunteer form by
contacting Minicon. Thanks!
Note that Ops and Medical Support, in particular, need advance
commitments from volunteers to get training.
If you are local to the Twin Cities, come to a committee meeting and get involved.
Return to Minicon 31 PR2 home page
Medical Support Plans Training and Needs Qualified Staff
Minicon's Medical Support department (formerly Life Support) will be
offering CPR and First Aid Classes this winter. Tentative dates for CPR
classes are January 27 and February 10. Both classes begin at 9 am and are
eight-hour classes. For more information, call Linda Paul at (612)
If you are an EMT, First Responder or other Medical Person, and would
like to volunteer for shifts during Minicon, send email to
Operations Volunteers: Advance Training Planned
The Operations department is responsible for providing a communications
network to facilitate the traffic of critical information between
convention departments, services for disbursing necessary information to
the attendees, and coordination of emergency and security resources for the
The one resource that is crucial to Operations' success is volunteers.
Operations is working to improve volunteer contact and expand the training
we provide our volunteers, therefore we need volunteers willing to commit
in advance to Operations.
For detailed questions or suggestions, send email to
Your Chance to be "On the Air"!
Tech Support Services are looking for a few good Fen.
Can you change the tape in a VCR? Load a CD player? Set up a slide
projector? We could use your help as a tech librarian.
Can you operate theater style lighting? Operate a video switcher?
Operate studio-style cameras? The news tech team needs your help.
Can you wright da gnues beter tehn dis? Read cold copy in front of a
crowd? Ask people you don't know questions? You could be a TV reporter.
Can you introduce radio plays and recordings? Read into a mike? Type
and spell? Radio Clarabelle wants you.
Gamers Helping Gamers
Volunteers are needed to assist with even distribution of gaming types
to tables, maintain decorum and general cleanliness and to monitor usage
and return of supplied gaming materials.
Art Show is Labor Intensive
The Art Show will need help on Friday from noon to 10 pm, Saturday 10
am - 5:30 pm, and 11 pm - Midnight, and Sunday 10 am - 3 pm. Some of
those hours are check-in and checkout; you could monitor the Print Shop,
handle sales of art, and check bags and badges at the door. You could also
help set up for the auction Saturday evening, assist the auctioneers with
displaying the artwork during the auction, and/or shift artworks back to
the Art Show after the Auction.
For detailed questions or suggestions, send email to
Unique Opportunity: Work on the Emsh Exhibit
The Emsh art retrospective needs room hosts and coat check staff.
Take a Ride on the Bozo Bus Tribune
Minicon publishes a convention newszine (fanspeak for news-oriented
fanzine) throughout the weekend. This is a fine old science fiction
convention tradition that still works well at informing, updating, and
unifying today's diverse attendees.
The Bozo Bus Tribune is looking for associate editors; designers and
layout artists who can work with QuarkXPress on a Macintosh; writers,
reporters, artists, and proofreaders; and printer's devils (runners and
general helpers who will have a chance to learn a bit about desktop
Convention Services
The Convention Services department covers Information, WHAM! (Waste
Handling at Minicon), dockwork, and signage. We need the following
Informants help con attendees with questions, handle new
information submitted, deal with signage requests, keep track of supplies,
assist the Volunteers Department, and answer phone questions.
WHAM! volunteers check & empty the trash containers and
recycling bins, remove trash/recyclables to collection locations, and
replace can liners. One-hour shifts!
Looking for a Few Good Jerks
DarkStar is a coffee house with live music (two rooms!) and without
cigarettes or other combustibles. The only smoke is from our steaming
coffee and espresso. (Well, okay, and the puff of smoke Elvis arrives in
nightly...) To get there, go to Graceland, take a sharp left, drink three
cups of Cafe Latte, click your heels together three times and mutter,
"There's no place like DarkStar.." etc. Or, come to Minicon. We need
espresso jerks to serve up the caffeine and beanies to provide all manner
of support (cleaning, running, etc.) for the jerks.
Support Your Local Costumers
Interested in helping out at the masquerade on Saturday night? We have
a number of jobs that need to be filled, from Den Parents and Green Room
runners to form talliers. If you are interested in being a Judge, we'll
need a short bio with your qualifications.
Consuite Needs People, Too!
The Consuite will once again be located on the second floor, pool end,
of the garden court and will be open throughout the weekend. Consuite needs
help with set up and tear down, bartenders (must be at least 18 years old),
twinkies (help with clean up, putting out supplies, etc.), room hosts, and
relay people to fetch and carry assorted supplies from storage/coolers to
the suite.
Krushenko's Krue
Krushenko's needs help with its programmed discussions and parties.
Volunteers needs Volunteers
In addition to coordinating volunteer needs, the Volunteers department
also needs volunteers of their own during the convention.
A Volunteers subhead helps to coordinate immediate individual
department needs with list of available volunteers, acts as contact person
for individual department heads and as the decision-maker when Volunteers
heads are not in the immediate vicinity.
A Volunteers registrar answers questions regarding available
volunteer positions and records information.
For detailed questions or suggestions, send email to