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Minicon 32 Postmortem

The Minicon 32 postmortem was held Saturday, 5-April-1997. As the reports from it are transcribed, they will be posted here.

Information is appearing here as it is generated and made available to me; it will accumulate gradually probably for a month or two yet. It is (currently) unedited. Responses to points raised are planned for the future.

Group Reports

The attendees were split randomly into 7 groups. Each group used a process of its own devising (there was a recommendation) to gather comments. Notes were taken, and are reproduced here. All 7 group reports are now on the web.

Groups are identified with the name of the facilitator: Bill Lochen, Lynn Litterer (silver star), Don Bailey, Erik Baker (green star), Martin Schafer (blue star), Victor Raymond (red star), Somebody (black dot).

Other Reports

Other reports gathered at the postmortem: Dungeon and Body Art contingent.


Various people have sent postmortem letters to the committee: Bob Stinson (Brotherhood of the Mist), Neil Rest, Gary Schluter Amalgamated Spleen, Andy Trembley's rant.

David Dyer-Bennet <>