Minicon 55 is being held April 15-17, 2022. Please read our updated COVID policy for attendance requirements. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact .

Pre-registration for Minicon 55 has closed. You will still be able to register at the door. See rates and details below. We only accept cash and checks at the door. (There is an ATM in the hotel, and three banks within 1000 ft.)

Minicon 55 Registration

Registration rates and info for Minicon 55


Come along to the reg desk on the second floor, overlooking the hotel restaurant.

Friday: 10am-9pm
Saturday 9:30am-4pm
Sunday: 9:30am-4pm

If you're not sure if you're registered, check the list of members. You can also ask

At-the-door registration

Same place: 2nd floor, overlooking the Dover Restaurant & Bar. If you're having trouble finding it, it's on the opposite side of the atrium from the pool, and we'll have signage up to help you find it.

Registration Pricing


Full adult membership
  • All weekend: $70
  • Friday-only: $30
  • Starting Saturday: $50
  • Sunday-only: $20
Discounted rates
  • Full student membership (13–20): $25
  • Full kid membership (6–12): $15
  • Full child membership (0–5): Free
  • Convert from supporting: Additional $40

Pre-registration (now closed)

Adult Attending Membership
  • $40 until 29 April 2019
  • $45 until 21 March 2022
Adult Attending Membership (Hardship Rate)
  • $35 until 21 March 2022
Student Attending Membership (13–20)
  • $15 until 29 April 2019
  • $20 until 21 March 2022
Kid Attending Membership (6–12)
  • $10 until 21 March 2022
Children (0–5)
  • Free (online $0.01 for technical reasons)
  • Registration optional, but gets your child a spiffy badge
Supporting Membership
  • $15
  • Upgradable to full membership at the door for an additional $40

Registration FAQ

What are the fees that you're charging?

Since Minicon 51, we add the Paypal transaction fees to the total amount we're charging. This will save the convention hundreds of dollars in fees. You still have the option of mailing in your registration with a check to avoid these fees.

I'm a student, age 21 or older, do I get the student rate?

Sorry, I'm afraid we're just using "student" to mean an age range. (We considered calling it "youth", but didn't like that either.) Even if you are in school full-time, if you are 21 or over, you fall into our "adult" category.

What exactly do the age ranges mean?

They refer to how old you will be at the con. If your 6th/13th/21st birthday is during the con, you can take the lower rate. (For checking if you can drink, we will refer to your state-issued ID and not your membership type.)

Are memberships refundable?

Sorry, no. But see the next question.

Are memberships transferable?

Yes! You can change the name on a membership by e-mailing or when you arrive at the convention. There's no fee for transfers. So feel free to buy several even if you don't know which of your friends you're going to sell/give them to.

In order to get the right name on your badge, please send changes by the last pre-registration deadline. Don't e-mail registration in the week leading up to the convention; we will probably be too busy to respond. If you suddenly can't make it and need to transfer your membership at the last minute, please call the hotel during the convention (meaning, in this case, Friday-Sunday) and ask to speak to Minicon registration or a Minicon chairperson.

What is the hardship rate?

We'd like for everyone to be able to attend Minicon, but we know that money can be tight some times. If you feel you need it, you can choose to pay the hardship rate of $35 instead of the full attending rate of $45. Your membership will be the same as a full price attending membership, it just costs a bit less.

What's a supporting membership, exactly?

Supporting memberships are inexpensive memberships that do not confer the right to attend the convention. They play three roles:

  1. They are a way of contributing a bit of cash to the convention because you like us and would like to see us succeed (thanks!). We will thank you by listing you on our members page (unless you ask us not to, of course).
  2. They are a way of hedging your bets if you're not sure whether you (or a friend) can make it. Supporting memberships can be converted to full attending memberships for an additional cost such that the total that you pay is greater than any full pre-reg rate, but less than the at-the-door rate.
  3. They keep you active on our mailing list. If you can't make it to Minicon for several years running but want to make sure you keep getting our progress reports, this is one way to accomplish that.
I have a supporting membership and want to upgrade it to something other than a full adult membership, eh?

Although we don't detail these cases in the table above — since they are generally relevant to fewer than one person each year — we'll handle it in a reasonable way, don't worry. E-mail us if you are concerned.

What restrictions are there on badge names?

Please limit badge names to characters that can reasonably be expected to print correctly from a modern American computer with nothing special installed on it. This means that all ASCII characters are ok, things like Greek letters and mundane mathematical symbols are probably ok, arbitrary selections of Unicode are probably not, and Klingon is right out. (You can always leave it blank on your form and write on your badge with a marker!)

Obviously we reserve the right to not print anything we think is going to offend a large number of people, but we don't really expect this to come up.

Do I have to give you all that personal information (e-mail address, phone number, etc.)?

No, not really. We like to be able to contact you in case there is a question about your registration and so that we can send you convention progress reports and so forth. So it would be nice if you gave us either a postal or e-mail address. (Just a phone number will work for questions about your registration, but not progress reports.) However, all that we absolutely require for you to register is some sort of way of telling who you are when you show up to claim your badge. So if you give us no contact information, you at least need to give a name/badge name combination that is definitely unique. Blank registrations under "Mike Larson" are a bit risky, but blank registrations under "Mike Larson", badge name "Bleeknob the Undestroyable" are fairly safe.

Yggdrasil drawing by Andrew Cordoza