Convivial 3

Minn-StF Fallcon | October 17 - 19, 2008

Hotel Reservation Deadline for Convivial 3

I have a reminder for you as well as info about some issues we had with our room block.

The deadline to reserve a room for Convivial 3 is this Thursday, September 25th.   A room will run you $99/night or $124/night for a suite.  The suites include a separate sitting room  with microwave, mini fridge, desk, couch (that pulls out into a bed), and a second TV.

Reservations may be made by calling the hotel directly at 952-854-9000 or toll-free at 1-800-465-4329.  Be sure to mention you’re with the “Convivial Conference“.   We recommend you call to make your reservation rather than try to use the online reservation system. You should to be able to get our rate for Thursday (the 16th), Friday (the 17th), Saturday (the 18th), and/or Sunday (the 19th).

We think you’ll get a lot more out of the con if you stay at the hotel, but understand if it’s not possible for one reason or another or if you prefer to commute from your home.  If you’re looking for a roommate, you might try posting to the mnstf livejournal community or to the natter email list.

You can register online for the hotel’s preferred customer program; if you’re already a member of the Priority Club, remember to use your member number when you make your reservation or check in.

You can find out more about the hotel and how we’ll be using it in the hotel section of our website.

As a few of you know firsthand, there were some issues with the room block.  It turns out we’d been allotted X number of King rooms and X number of double rooms (and so on) and we’d run out of King rooms early on so some folks were quoted a higher rate for them or told they weren’t available in our block.  Oops!

That’s all fixed now.  If you were quoted a higher rate and told us about it, your reservation has been changed to get the appropriate Convivial room rate.

If you were told the block is full or that there weren’t rooms available of a certain type, you might want to call the hotel and try making your reservation again.  Or if you made a reservation and it’s not quite right and you didn’t tell us about it, please let us know and we’ll see that things are fixed.

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