
The main costuming events of Minicon 46 will begin with the Fentasia Awards and conclude with the Fenfare Parade, but that's not all ...

ALL geek garb is welcomed, nay demanded! If you wear anything other than your normal street clothes, please join us for any and all costuming events. We want YOU!

Performance bits are not required for any costuming activities. These events are meant to be fun, informal, and easy. That being said, we do NOT want to discourage bits. Please contact the Cos Team in advance if possible, otherwise let us know at the Con. We'd like to plan ahead a little for best effect. That also being said, if you show at the parade and say "I want to do a bit!", we won't spank you.

These activities are still in the planning stages. We are sharing what tidbits we know so far. They are, of course, subject to change.

Fentasia Awards

  • the event is Saturday evening sometime
  • it shouldn't take any more than an hour
  • there will be at least a few different categories - so far we have adult self-proclaimed costumer, adult non-standard (for those non-street duds), and non-adult
  • there will be (gasp!) prizes for the award winners, and wearable tokens for all participants
  • directly following the awards ...

Fenfare Parade

  • the parade will begin where we have gathered for the Awards
  • we will traipse Fentastically through all publicly-accessible fen space and likely end up in the bar :)
  • there may have been some discussion of the Parade being lead by the Pied Piper ... and perhaps live music
  • at appropriate intervals, we may stop for some performance bits, award displays, etc.
  • after which ... beer!

Costuming activities are not limited to these few events. We are plotting a panel or two, including a roundtable where costumers of any level of experience can bring their current projects for help with hurdles or to just plain show off. Hall costumes are always encouraged. However much we'd like your participation in our activities, we won't harangue you more than twice (or spank).

Calling all Artists, Crafters and Hoarders

We are going to have a materials swap this year at Minicon. This is a chance for you to reduce your stash, and perhaps pick up a few treasures.

Most anything is welcome, craft and art supplies, tools, books and patterns, and anything that has costuming potential.

Now is the time to do a bit of sorting and Spring-cleaning. We plan on having a swap meet on Friday, but will have tables set up throughout the con for your browsing pleasure. Anything left on the tables at the end on the con will either go into Minicon children's supply boxes or be donated to Art Scraps.

Thanks. This should be fun!

Registered Member List

To see if you're registered, check the list at the bottom of the registration page. This contains all of the registered members who wanted their name displayed in the list.
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Cluemeister's Corner

A new feature for Minicon 46! Try your hand at monthly puzzles created by the mind behind the Minicon Medallion Hunt... and get an edge when Minicon begins!
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Meet fun people, make new friends

Minicon wouldn't work without volunteers. Consider helping out--badging, consuite, art show, registration--volunteers have more fun!
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See the programming grid

Our schedule is complete! Browse the panels and plan your Minicon weekend.
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Hosting Room Parties for Minicon at other Cons

Check this Word doc if you're hosting a room party for Minicon at another con to see if and how you can be reimbursed for your expenses. Use this form for reimbursement.
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Follow us on twitter

Get the absolute very latest up-to-the-minute information on twitter.
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Are you an artist?

Enter your art in the art show! Come play (or watch) "Who's Sketch Is It, Anyway?", an improv sketching panel full of fun and art. And come to the Art Show Grand Opening party just before the opening ceremony.
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