John Scalzi

John Scalzi is an American author and online writer, and president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. He is best known for his Hugo Award-nominated science fiction novel Old Man's War, released by Tor Books in January 2005, and for his blog Whatever, at which he has written daily on a number of topics since 1998. He has also written a number of non-fiction books. As of February 10, 2011, his weight was equal to that of 204 cans of Coke Zero (76.5 liters), a quantity accordingly defined as a new unit of measure, a 'Scalzi'.

Chas Somdahl

Chas Somdahl is well known to Minicon and conventions across the Midwest as part of Riverfolk. He is also known as typically one of the last musicians playing in the late night music circles. A musician of eclectic taste, he is equally at home in music circles and jam sessions ranging from filk to folk to blues to rock to bluegrass and more. He is often told he makes jams welcoming. He credits his own welcome into a Minn-StF jam a decade ago as a major contributor to his return to music after a 14-year lapse. Minicon 46 is pleased to welcome him as Music Guest of Honor.

Charles Stross
Letter from the Chair
Hi everyone. I have some unfortunate news about Minicon 46. Charles Stross, our Author Guest of Honor will not be able to attend due to a family medical emergency. I know all of you out there, like us here at Minicon, wish his family the best.
– Joel Phillips, co-chair Minicon 46

Registered Member List

To see if you're registered, check the list at the bottom of the registration page. This contains all of the registered members who wanted their name displayed in the list.
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Cluemeister's Corner

A new feature for Minicon 46! Try your hand at monthly puzzles created by the mind behind the Minicon Medallion Hunt... and get an edge when Minicon begins!
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Meet fun people, make new friends

Minicon wouldn't work without volunteers. Consider helping out--badging, consuite, art show, registration--volunteers have more fun!
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See the programming grid

Our schedule is complete! Browse the panels and plan your Minicon weekend.
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Hosting Room Parties for Minicon at other Cons

Check this Word doc if you're hosting a room party for Minicon at another con to see if and how you can be reimbursed for your expenses. Use this form for reimbursement.
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Follow us on twitter

Get the absolute very latest up-to-the-minute information on twitter.
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Are you an artist?

Enter your art in the art show! Come play (or watch) "Who's Sketch Is It, Anyway?", an improv sketching panel full of fun and art. And come to the Art Show Grand Opening party just before the opening ceremony.
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