Minicon 49 Rumpus Room

We're not building a child army. We swear.

Kids' Programming

Rumpus Room will be back starting Thursday evening and continuing throughout the con. There will be lots of kids' programming, but also much more. Rumpus Room will feature activities suitable for young children all the way up to adults, sometimes at the same time, sometimes at different times.

Kids' programming will include lots of games and crafts. We will be doing balloon animals and paper airplanes again this year. We also will have origami, a treasure hunt, juggling, pop-ups, "Tool Time", "Monsters & S'more Monsters" (complete with pyrotechnics) and a costume workshop.

We will again have a Craft Swap. Please bring any extra craft supplies to barter or donate. We are especially in need of costume-making materials: anything that kids could dress up — fabrics, hats, skirts, vests, old costumes, etc. Toys, kids' books, and games are also welcome.