
Did you know that Minicon is an all-volunteer convention? We don't sell tickets, we offer memberships (priced to cover con expenses). As members of a community, we all pitch in and help out. It turns out that working volunteer shifts is also a great way to make new friends, connect with old ones, and generally have a great time at the convention.

There will be plenty of opportunity to volunteer at the con, but if you connect with a department before the con you can take on jobs that are more responsible and rewarding. And it really helps out the department heads when people sign up for shifts in advance.

Volunteering Needs

Thursday Move-in

The volunteering fun starts on Thursday afternoon at about 2 PM as we unload the truck and move in, starting with the Registration/Volunteers encampment right in the middle of the con. We'll need people to haul and carry, but there's also more sedentary work available: unpacking boxes, making signs, etc. Other departments that will be moving in equipment and supplies on Thursday include: Consuite, Music Room, Art Show, and the Bozo Bus Tribune. If you think you might like to volunteer in any of those areas later in the con, helping out on Thursday is a good way to meet the department heads and get a feel for the job.


Klatsch Head - Co-ordinate with consuite to get beverages before a "Klatsch" event, set up and tear down. Less than five hours during the convention, with some planning ahead of the convention.

AV Head - Hook up equipment to projector and set up screen for AV events. About five hours during the convention, with some planning ahead of the convention.

Music Room

Needs a few volunteers who can run a simple live sound board during performances. They do not need to be experts or gurus, just have a basic understanding of how a mixing board works and be comfortable adjusting sound levels and responding to minor technical difficulties that might arise during a band's performance. Times needed: any time between 3-11 pm Friday, noon-11 pm Saturday, and noon-4 Sunday: especially midday or around meal times (to give the dept head a break!)

Art Show

Needs people who are reliable and not afraid of money.

Kids Programming

Rumpus Room is always looking for volunteers to come and join in the fun! Please join us for any of the scheduled activities, but we also need volunteers to help out with other activities for the kids who aren't interested in the scheduled program.


Party suites are still available on the Second Floor above the Atrium! Contact for more information on how you or your group can host a Party at Minicon 54!

Film Room

Probably the easiest volunteer shifts at the con. Just show up reliably and watch a movie while the Film Head takes a well-deserved break.


We'll be trying something new this year, using the Discord message service as a way to contact Gofers, Badgers, and other volunteers in real time. If you want to join in this grand experiment, the Volunteers Desk Staff can help you sign up at the con, or invite you to the Minicon server if you are already enrolled. If you are familiar with Discord already, we'd love to have your help at the Volunteers table! Contact me, please.

Contact Us

If you know what department you would like to work for, feel free to contact the department heads directly. But if you can't find department contact info or aren't sure where you want to volunteer, please email me at .

See you at the con, if not before! --- Sharon (Volunteers Coordinator)