Decongestant 5

Roller skate mascot

It's the fall convention from MinnSTF. It will be Oct 7–9, 2022 at the Hilton Bloomington (3900 American Blvd W), Minnesota. (Already convinced? Skip to registration.)

It's over!

Decongestant 5/Arcana 2022 happened. There were 62 members, including 47 pre-registered and 49 warm bodies.

We had a good time! Programming was fun and educational, with the GoH presentation on Blacula getting escpecially good reviews. Plenty of food and drink was had. Late night fandom was on display, with the con finally wrapping up in the gaming room around 3am Monday morning.

A three-issue hecto newsletter was produced, see below.

As of October 10, 2022, there are no firm plans for another Decongestant, nor indeed any other small cons by minn-stf, held in the fall or not. This may change soon. In any case, we have two Minicons coming up: Minicon 56 on Easter weekend 2023, and Minicon 57 on Easter weekend 2024.

FLASH! Now there is another fall con scheduled: CONFelicity, Oct 6-8, 2023.


We produced, or attempted to produce, a hecto newsletter. For some reason, this didn't work as well as in the past. Maybe not enough glycerin?? Anyway, here they are, such that they are:

What's Decongestant 5 going to be like?

Decongestant 5 is a small science fiction and fantasy convention geared primarily towards relaxation. There will be good food, music, gaming, a teen room, a bit of programming, and whatever else you bring to it. If you were at any of the earlier Decongestants, say 4, you can expect pretty much the same thing.

Here's the complete schedule as it currently stands!

Who is Decongestant 5 for?

You! If you are a fan of science fiction, fantasy or horror and would like to hang out with same. Come join us!


This year, for the second time, we are partnering with ARCANA, a convention "Celebrating the Weird, the Macabre & the Dark Fantastic". In addition to our usual fallcon programming, we also have a track of ARCANA panels and movies.

Vampire Guest of Honor Brian Forrest

head shot of Brian Forrest

Under the name Toothpickings, Brian has been vlogging and blogging for five years about the crossroads of vampire fiction, folklore, and popular culture, including literature, film & TV. 

He has interviewed such vampire luminaries as John Edgar Browning, J Gordon Melton, Dacre Stoker, William Crain, Michelle Belanger, Jonathan Maberry, and Rose Sinister. 

Presenting at numerous conventions, he has been a guest on John Gaspard's "The Occasional Film Podcast" and the Rosenbach Museum's "Sunday With Dracula". 

His paper on BLACULA will appear in the forthcoming issue of the journal "Dracula Beyond Stoker" and "Studies In The Fantastic" and will be presented at the Children of the Night Dracula Congress in November 2022.

Brian may or may not be the Gothic double of the vampirologist 'Toothpickings' as he claims to be. This does not preclude him from being that which his GoH designation indicates, either.

To find Toothpickings before the next sunrise, try Twitter or the nearest plot of native soil.


Decongestant 5 was originally scheduled for Oct 2–4, 2020. As a primarily-social event, that wasn't going to happen under the Stay Safe MN plan, so we rescheduled for September 24–26, 2021. Then there was the Delta variant. Although the con would have been legal, our survey of the potential membership showed that very few people would have come. Rather than hold a con for 15 people, we postponed again.

If you registered before either of the postponements, you are still registered. If you'd prefer a refund, write to; we can do that too.

COVID mitigations

happy mascot

Vaccinations: attending members must be fully vaccinated as defined by the CDC at their "Stay Up to Date with Your COVID-19 Vaccines" page. (Find your age group, then pull down the type of vaccine for the definition.) We also highly recommend that you get the boosters that are recommended for you, something that we believe the vast majority of our members have done already.
