This page is part of an archive and is available for historical reference only; for information on recent and upcoming Minicons, please visit Information on these pages may not reflect current Minicon and Minn-StF policies, functions, contact info, etc. For information about the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, the organization that has been putting on Minicon since 1968, please visit Minicon 33
Minicon is an annual gathering of science fiction and fantasy fans. The convention is held each year over Easter weekend, and for the last decade the main venue has been the Radisson South Hotel in Bloomington, MN. Minicon is sponsored by the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Inc. (Minn-StF). It's one of the largest fan-run conventions in the U.S.; in 1996 and 1997 we had over 3500 members (but not in 1998). Historical note [added in 2011]: To make a very long and complicated story short, Minicon essentially split into three conventions after Minicon 33, those conventions calling themselves Minicon 34, MarsCon '99, and CONvergence 1999 (1, 2). The latter two were (and their descendants are, as of 2011) run by new different non-profit organizations that split from Minn-stf. Latest News2017Here's the t-shirt, front and back. It was available in several colors, at least green, cream, blue and brown. ![]() ![]() And there was another t-shirt whose front looks like this, and whose back is blank: ![]() And here is a volunteer t-shirt. This is the front, and the back is blank: ![]() 17-Mar-2017Here, let me make a link to the programming page where you can see, amoung other things, the call for the reprise of Midwest Side Story, first presented at Minicon 12.
24-May-2016We've scanned some more documents associated with Minicon 33.
Progress Report 2 was sent out after Feb 1, with a registration deadline of March 1, so there were almost certainly only two PRs, despite "Welcome to our invitation" announcing that there would be three. 20-January-2010Here are some photos & audio from Minicon 33's Opening Ceremonies at Brian Westley's site. (I just moved this link here from the main Minicon page; it's been there for a while.) 19-April-98The Minicon 33 postmortem will be held on Sunday, 26-April-1998, starting at 2pm, at the Radisson South hotel (we figure most of you know where that is by now). The souvenir book and the pocket program are now available in pdf form, largely for historical interest. [Added 2010-Jan-17] Here's a
PDF version
of the souvenir book that is a more faithful reproduction of how the
paper book actually looks than the above version. Here are page images
of the same: 1|
12-April-98Minicon 33 is OVER. You can all GO HOME now. 6-April-98the programming schedule has been updated to draft 5. A link to a map showing the location of the Radisson has been added to the bottom of the hotel page. 5-April-98Some childcare information has been added to the web site.4-April-98The children's programming schedule has arrived and been put up separately (it'll be rolled in with the others in Draft 5, due Monday). I also tweaked the big schedule page a bit, to waste less space and put in yet more warnings about how big it is.2-Apr-98Anne Gay has kindly provided a version of Draft 4 of the programming schedule which can be viewed in time order, searched by participant, and is generlly spiffy. It's here. (also linked from the programming page and the schedule page).31-Mar-98Draft 4 of the programming schedule is now online.15-Mar-98The list of confirmed dealers is now available.1-Mar-1998You've missed the last pre-registration deadline; it's at-the-door for you now.WhenApril 10-12, 1998 (Easter weekend). How long until then? (Javascript). Even without the countdown, you can tell it's close!Guests of HonorMinicon has invited a number of people to be guests of honor at Minicon 33. Those who have accepted so far, in order of their acceptance:
Important DatesRegistration rates increased on 30-Apr-97, 27-Nov-97, and 1-Mar-98. Those are all in the past, okay? Too late to register at the pre-registration rates now. Room request forms must be postmarked by 27-Nov-97 for priority consideration. RegistrationThe final rate increase was March 1. Any registrations not postmarked by March 1 cost $70. You can mail this in or pay it at-the-door. More info. HotelWe're using the same three hotels as in recent years. Most events take place in the Radisson South, some in the Hotel Sofitel, and many people are staying at the Holiday Inn Airport #2. Minicon is again handling reservations. Rates, forms, procedures, and further information are in the hotel pages. GamingGaming has an off-site web page, here. Childcare Childcare does need to hear from you if you're going to be needing
their services at Minicon 33. Professional care givers will be
providing most of the care, but there's room for some volunteers,
especially at swimming time, too. Please email Who Are We?The Minicon 33 executive committee consists of Martin Schafer, Victor Raymond, and Erik Baker.Running MiniconA lot of work goes into making Minicon happen, and it's essentially all done by volunteers. The executive committee buys memberships to attend. The department heads buy memberships to attend. And we spend from dozens to many hundreds of hours in the 18 months before the convention working to make it happen. Then, at Minicon, hundreds more (we documented over 500 people volunteering formally at Minicon 32, and many people do important work that isn't formally logged) people show up from around the city, the state, the midwest, and in fact throughout the US and Canada, and volunteer their time to put in the thousands of hours (the volunteers department logged over 6000 hours of work, teamsters more than 2000, and again a lot of work is not logged at all) more work needed at the convention to make it all happen. Want to know more about how Minicon happens? Check this out. Reaching UsUS MailMinicon 33PO Box 8297 Lake Street Station Minneapolis, MN 55408 Voicemail+1-612-333-7533-Handled by a human and directed through email, phone, snail mail, or personal contact to the appropriate places(s). E-mail send you a file we hope you will find useful. Mailing ListThere is an open mailing list for people interested in discussing Minicon; to subscribe, send email to with the word "subscribe" in the subject line.The list is also available in a digest version, the administrative address is WebThe official Minicon 33 page is at |
[Minn-StF] Please report problems with this page to [ar chivist 'at` mnstf 'dot` org]. |