Minicon 12
Minicon 12 was held 8–10 April 1977 at the Leamington Hotel (Minneapolis). The guests of honor were Ben Bova (pro), and Buck Coulson and Juanita Coulson (fans). Joe Haldeman was toastmaster. The executive committee was Dave Wixon, Margie Lessinger, Jan Appelbaum and Denny Lien.
Previously we listed "about 500", which was a recollection of Dave Romm's that at some concom meeting sometime around Minicon 15, it was announced as such.
Now we have better numbers from a longhand list of preregistrants in spiral notebook obtained from Bev Elmshauser in 2019: 475 pre-reg, 625 total. Despite being multiples of 25 (the number of entries on each page), the totals appear to be exact. There is a section labeled 'one-day' with no entries, so the total might not include those.
David Emerson, Publications Jim Odbert, Art Show Dave Merz, Films Jerry Stearns, Parties Scott Imes, Video
Program Book

Here is the program book in PDF (13 MB), and a plain text transcription of the same (32 kB).
Toggle display of more details
Scans are available here in a range of qualities and file sizes. Most people want the middle column, in which the files have been substantially cleaned up to remove the grain of the paper, bleed through from adjacent pages, etc., but are still high resolution.
Raw scans (~15 MB) |
Cleaned up (~750 kB) |
Smallest files (~20 kB) |
Front cover | Front cover | Front cover |
2–3 | 2–3 | 2–3 |
4–5 | 4–5 | 4–5 |
6-7 | 6–7 | 6–7 |
8–9 | 8–9 | 8–9 |
12–11 | 12–11 | 12–11 |
12–13 | 12–13 | 12–13 |
14–15 | 14–15 | 14–15 |
16–17 | 16–17 | 16–17 |
18–19 | 18–19 | 18–19 |
20–21 | 20–21 | 20–21 |
22–23 | 22–23 | 22–23 |
24–25 | 24–25 | 24–25 |
26–27 | 26–27 | 26–27 |
28–29 | 28–29 | 28–29 |
30–31 | 30–31 | 30–31 |
Back cover | Back cover | Back cover |
Uncredited portions of the Minicon 12 Program Book are by the Minnesota Science Fiction Society and
are licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 US
All credited portions are © their creators, all rights reserved.
This notice overrides copyright notices in the original document.
Midwest Side Story

Notably, Midwest Side Story (or Midwestside Story, there's no consistency as to the spelling) was performed Saturday night at Minicon 12. It came with a fake crudzine called IDEA #1.
And the script.
Here are some notes by DD-B explaining
things that probably need explaining today and his
notes on the archival of the script, and the raw
scans referred to therein.
Midwest Side Story was reprised at Minicon 33.

The Midwestside Story script, its program, and IDEA #1 are by the Minnesota Science Fiction Society and
are licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 US