What is Minicon?
Minicon is a fan run science fiction convention run by the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, or MN-Stf. It is held yearly on Easter weekend.
Minicon features panel discussions, readings, films, gaming (open and organized), an art show, dealers, kids' programming, filk and folk music, a consuite and bar, and room parties.
Minicon 42 is over. Good times. Thanks to our guests and members and everyone else who helped make it happen. Please see the main Minicon page for information about the next Minicon.
Added 2017–2019
Minicon 42 shirts are black with the Mnstf logo on the front, in layed with "42" and "And the question was..." and art by GoH Charles Vess on the back:

And here are photos of the shirt itself:

The pre-registration deadline has passed. The at-the-door rates are $55 for adults and $20 for children. Preregistered $15 supporting memberships can be converted to full memberships at the door for $35. Day rates are $25 for Friday, $30 for Saturday, and $25 for Sunday.
Registration is open 10am-10pm on Friday, 9:30am-8pm on Saturday and 9:30am-11am on Sunday. Outside of these hours, find a concom member to help you.
Artwork © Charles Vess
Volunteers Needed
Minicon is a volunteer run convention. We need your help to run it! Please contact Kevin Austin, <volunteers AT minicon D0T mnstf DOT org>, if you are willing to help out before, during or after the convention.