Minicon 50 is over. These pages remain as a historical reference. Please see the main Minicon page for information about the current Minicon.

Program Book

The program book and other at-con publications.

When and how will you get these?

You can pick up your program book at the registration desk. You can download a PDF copy of the program book from here. And here is a PDF of the pocket program.

Advertising in the program book

Our program book with be an 8.5x11" book. The rates for ads are:

  • $20 for a quarter page ad
  • $40 for a half page ad
  • $100 for a full page ad

You can send your ad to . When you do so, we'll let you know how to pay. We usually take payment from other conventions in the form of an ad in your next program book. (If we owe you from this sort of arrangement, please remind us and send us your latest ad!)

The book's interior is black and white, and it has a color cover. If you're interested in a color ad, space may be available. Let us know.

The deadline for submitting your ad is Feb 14, 2015.