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Peeps armored by Steve Todd

Room parties run Friday and Saturday nights at Minicon. People run parties to promote other conventions, show off their cool theme, or for no particular reason at all.

If you'd like to run a party at Minicon, e-mail our party head at <>.

This year's parties so far are:


MarsCon 2010: Dark Lords and Femme Fatales.

The darkness is coming. Come, relax and celebrate before it descends. MarsCon 2010 will take place on March 5-7, 2010, at the Holiday Inn Select, Bloomington, Minnesota. Guests will include artist John Garner and scientist Loretta McKibben.

Trans Galactic Inter Dimensional Gourmand Society

TGIDGS invites you to attend a Goddess party. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in the presence of a real Goddess? To invoke the powers of these muses, one must first show respect, humility, devotion and sacrifice. In appreciation of your worship, these Goddesses will calm your anxious heart with the slightest touch, inspire your creativity with their smile, adore you just the way you are with their loving eyes and warm your soul with the sound of their voice. Whatever worries you enter the Goddess room with, the power of these Goddesses will linger within you long after you leave.

For those lucky enough to already have a Goddess in their life, come share the experience together as we welcome your lovely lady to the room and promote healthy worship of her from you. You will never be disappointed with the appreciation she will show you in return. Bridget, Venus, Morgan, and others await your worthy presence.

Krushenko's Annex

Krushenko's and its sometime partner, Krushenko's Annex are spaces that encourage conversation about science fiction and fantasy at SF conventions. Krushenko's, named after a Manhattan bistro in Larry Niven's novel, Ringworld, started at the 1983 Minicon, where Niven was Guest of Honor. Krushenko's now travels to MarsCon, WisCon, CONvergence, Diversicon, and Arcana. In recent years, the Minicon Krushenko's has served up a lively assortment of panels and discussions about SF in literature and other media in daytimes and early evenings, while Krushenko's Annex offers conversational parties hosted by SF-related fan and pro groups in mid-to-late evenings. "Krushenko's is accustomed to serving alien guests!"

Friday – 7:30-8:30 Arcana Meeting: Come and learn about this "Convention of the Dark Fantastic"

Friday – 9:00-2:00 Con-Sarnit Party: Find out about this "Celebration of the American West in Film, Fiction, Television, Music, and Historical Fact" the second edition of which will be held Saturday, June 6, at the Best Western-Bandana Square, St Paul, with Featured Speaker Larry Dingman, and a tribute to Western Icon James Stewart (1908-1997).

Saturday – 8:30-2:00 Diversicon & Arcana Party: Co-sponsored by Diversicon, a Twin Cities multicultural, multimedia speculative fiction convention, the 17th edition of which will be held July 31-August 2 at the Best Western-Bandana Square, St Paul, with Guest of Honor Kay Kenyon, Special Guests Michael Levy and Sandra Lindow, and Posthumous GOHs Edgar Allan Poe and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; and Arcana, "A convention of the dark-fantastic" the 39th edition of which will be held October 16-18, also at Best Western-Bandana Square, with Guest of Honor Kim Harrison.

Sunday – 7:30-1:30 A Party for Readers and Viewers: Co-sponsored by Tales of the Unanticipated, a long-running (since 1986) Twin Cities speculative fiction antholo-zine, and Second Foundation, a Twin Cities SF-book discussion group that has met regularly since 1983, and some of whose members are also film buffs.

LiveJournal Party: for all members of LJ

Matching names to faces, continuing LiveJournal conversations, and just relaxing together.

Ladies' Sewing Circle

The Ladies' Sewing Circle holds monthly meetings in the Twin Cities area. People who sew, knit, crochet, quilt, bead, or do other hand craft work are welcome to attend and work on their projects while socializing and enjoying some snacks. The meeting will adjourn in time to attend Closing Ceremonies.


Have a gay ol' time and help support Gaylaxicon 2009, the annual GLBT sci-fi fantasy and horror convention, coming to the Twin Cities for the first time in October. Friday night, help committee member Jason celebrate his Very Gaylaxian Birthday, and Saturday night, we'll continue the party in the Gaylaxicon way!


OddCon's Relaxacon Party: "Calm Before the Storm"

Relax and sit a spell. The tunes will be kind, the drinks will be served. There will be veggies and hummus. OddCon is coming in two weeks, there will be special pre-reg rates to register for OddCon that you can take advantage of!

Ford Fan Room

A room for people who are fans of Harrison Ford and his films, especially the good Sci Fi stuff. There will be Harrison Ford trivia and you can vote on who's hotter, Indiana Jones or Han Solo. There will be many images of His Hotness and we'll have beer.

Anticipation/Conquest KC

Anticipation is the 67th World Science Fiction Convention and ConQuesT is a SF convention in Kansas City.