METHOD Con 2 - October 10-12, 2014
MNStf's Excuse To Have October Diversions
Minn-stf's Excuse To Hear Oaks Dispute...??
MNStf (Re)Visited “War for the Oaks”
Featured Artist:
Featured Authors:
Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
METHOD Con 2 is over!
This page remains as a historical record. To see what we are up to these days, see Minn-stf's homepage.
Where was it?
The Ramada MSP Airport at the Mall, 2300 E American Blvd, Bloomington, MN 55425. Con rooms are near hotel entrance #4.
What happened at METHOD Con 2?
METHOD Con 2 was based on previous Minn-stf fallcons. Pretty much what has happened at previous fallcons transpired again this year. This con's inspiration was drawn from Tim Cooper's new book, "The Reader: War for the Oaks" with its lovely photos of fans reading "War for the Oaks" at settings from the book! Nifty, huh? Laura Krentz, our inestimable program head set up the War for the Oaks themed plans that included a small tour of key "War for the Oaks" locations, a group dramatic reading from the screenplay, and a showing of the movie trailer for the movie that never was. There was also the usual food, gaming, music, conversation, relaxing, and having fun.
METHOD Con 2 had a total of 77 members, 60 of whom pre-registered and all but one of whom attended, for a warm body count of 76. Of the at-the-door memberships, 6 were for the full weekend and 11 for just a day. Because we sometimes keep obsessive notes, we can further note that the total count as of 11pm Friday was 66 total/52 warm, and as of 5pm Saturday it was 72 total/71 warm.
Who ran METHOD Con 2?
Chair: Patricia Zetelumen
Co-Chairs: Hershey Lima and Terry Hughes
Hospitality: Magenta Griffith
Programming: Laura Krentz
Gaming: Richard and Thorin Tatge
Friday Dinner Coordinators: Scott and Irene Raun
Saturday Dinner Coordinators: Emily Stewart and Aaron Vander Giessen
Thank you to all of our volunteers!