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Heading Minicon 31's cast of guests this year is author Suzette Haden Elgin. Among her many works are the Native Tongue trilogy, the Communipath Worlds trilogy, the Ozark trilogy, and Yonder Comes the Other End of Time.
Suzette is an expert in the field of linguistics, which inspired her famous title, The Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense. She may be just the person to consult about whether language is gender-free or whether they spoke English in Camelot.
Suzette has proven to be a multifaceted guest. She will be participating in programming and will have works in the art show. She can be spotted in the dealers' room as well, selling books and other goodies. She will be speaking about both her fiction and non-fiction as well as sharing her varied experiences with the science fiction community.
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or read about other guests:
Memorial Artist Guest --
Ed Emshwiller (Emsh)
Fan Guests -- Joe Siclari & Edie Stern
Audio Guest --
David Ossman